Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider an application for demolition of existing farmhouse and associated outbuildings, and construction of new school accommodating two primary schools with associated external works, including formation of new vehicular and pedestrian accesses, improvements to existing footpath, on-site parking with drop off area, external play and games areas, playing field, wildlife gardens and shelters, landscaping and boundary fencing, and surface water drainage works involving filter drains and soakaways at land at Glasdir Farm, Ruthin (copy attached).



[Councillor Huw Hilditch-Roberts declared a personal interest in this item because he was Chair of Governors of Ysgol Pen Barras and parent of a child in the school.  Councillor Huw Williams declared a personal interest because he was parent of a child attending Ysgol Pen Barras.  Councillor Julian Thompson-Hill declared a personal and prejudicial interest because he was a member of the Project Board and Lead Member for submitting the application and he left the meeting whilst the application was being considered.]


An application was submitted for demolition of existing farmhouse and associated outbuildings, and construction of new school accommodating two primary schools with associated external works, including formation of new vehicular and pedestrian accesses, improvements to existing footpath, on-site parking with drop off areas, external play and games areas, playing field, wildlife gardens and shelters, landscaping and boundary fencing, and surface water drainage works involving filter drains and soakaways at land at Glasdir Farm, Ruthin.


General Debate – Councillor Huw Hilditch-Roberts (Local Member) fully supported the much needed school development in order to provide an excellent learning environment for the benefit of local children which had been a long time coming.  He paid credit to both schools who were performing well despite difficult conditions within the existing facilities.  Given the location of the proposed new school Councillor Huw Hilditch-Roberts sought a number of assurances regarding (1) highway issues and traffic management – in particular volume of traffic and congestion, roundabout issues and access from Glasdir; (2) drainage and flooding given that the development was located in a flood zone, and (3) how the concerns of neighbours had been addressed.  Councillor David Smith (Local Member) also welcomed the school development highlighting the inadequacies of the existing facilities and ongoing work over many years in order to turn the vision into reality.  Councillor Eryl Williams, Lead Member for Education reiterated the need for the new schools in order to provide modern, fit for purpose educational facilities and he reported upon the Council’s modernising education programme and vision for Denbighshire.  He referred to an ‘Open Day’ for local residents which had been held to provide details of the development and allay concerns, including flooding and highways.


Highway and Planning Officers responded to the questions raised as follows –


(1)  Highways – work had been ongoing for a number of years regarding various highway options.  Reference was made to a number of highway works to be completed prior to the occupation of the school including a new controlled crossing on Denbigh Road and widening of the footway on the site side of the highway, and an order for parking restrictions adjacent to the site being advertised.  In response to Ruthin Town Council’s suggestion that vehicles leaving the site should turn left only, that option had been considered as part of the transport assessment and was found to have a detrimental effect on the A525 roundabout.  The large car park and dropping off area proposed within the site complied with parking standards.  Consequently officers considered the proposals would not have an unacceptable impact on the local highway network – in addition, pressure on the A494 trunk road would be alleviated by the proposed highways measures.  Councillor Huw Hilditch-Roberts sought further assurances that the impact of the livestock market had been considered and that sufficient safety measures had been included to ensure a safe walking route for children.  It was explained that the main problem with the cattle market was at weekends and work was ongoing to work with them to improve site management with parking restrictions being considered as part of the scheme.  The measures introduced to protect pedestrians on the footway were considered acceptable

(2)  Drainage (including flooding) – officers reported upon the extensive flood modelling work undertaken for the scheme and the drainage strategy for the site and elaborated upon the measures being introduced to protect against flooding which included measures for water to be retained on the sports pitch, additional bunding to divert flood water away and raising of the school onto higher ground – assurances were provided that much multi-agency work had been carried out in preparation for the application and the flood management plan had been specifically designed for the whole area and not just the school development site

(3)  Residential Amenity – reference was made to the wealth of public engagement and consultation on the proposed development and it was testament to that process that only two objection letters had been received given the size of the scheme – discussions had taken place with those residents and steps had been taken to mitigate their concerns including removal of two windows from key elevations and adding acoustic bunds and barriers with additional landscaping.  It was considered that the proposals would not have an unacceptable impact on residential amenity and it should be appreciated that the land had been allocated for school development.


Councillor Mark Young sought assurances regarding maintenance of the waterways highlighting the need for a commitment to meet that responsibility.  Councillor Stuart Davies referred to previous ambiguity in this area, particularly following flooding of the Glasdir Estate in 2012, advising that it had since been established that the landowner was responsible.  He felt it was imperative that it was made clear within the process who was responsible, particularly given past events and that the proposed development was in a flood zone.  Whilst acknowledging members’ concerns officers advised they were not planning issues for consideration with the application and it was suggested that the relevant scrutiny committee would be best placed to scrutinise arrangements for the responsibility and maintenance of watercourses in the area.  Officers further advised that the technical information, statutory consultee responses and flood alleviation document indicated that the development could proceed.  Assurances were also provided that there was an ongoing dialogue between the Council, Natural Resources Wales and the housing developer at Glasdir regarding flood alleviation features in the area.


Officers responded to questions raised during further debate advising that –


·         there would be security fencing around the site managed by the school

·         raising of the land had been detailed in the Flood Consequence Assessment and included within the conditions as detailed in pages 54 and 55 of the report

·         an umbrella insurance covered the Council’s assets and property portfolio, and

·         given the directives outside of the planning process for dealing with protected species officers cautioned against Councillor Huw Hilditch-Roberts’s suggestion to remove the condition relating to the immediate cessation of work should any Great Crested Newts be found (as detailed in the supplementary papers) – instead officers provided assurances that they would work closely with the relevant authorities to ensure ongoing dialogue and mitigate any risk of delay


Proposal – Councillor Huw Hildtich-Roberts proposed, seconded by Councillor Barry Mellor that the application be granted.



GRANT – 22




RESOLVED that permission be GRANTED in accordance with officer recommendation as detailed within the report and supplementary papers.


Supporting documents: