Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider a report by the Head of Legal, HR and Democratic Services (copy enclosed) to inform Members of activities in respect of the Whistleblowing Policy.



A report by the Monitoring Officer (MO), which provided information relating to the operation of the policy over the past year both before and after adoption of the recently revised Policy, had been circulated previously.


The report had been submitted in accordance with the Council’s Whistleblowing Policy (WP), which contained a requirement that the MO bring a report to the CGC at least once a year on the operation of the Policy and any changes in practice introduced as a result of concerns raised under the Policy.


The Council had recently approved a revised and updated WP which included a requirement that, at least annually, the MO should in an anonymised format report on the operation of the Policy and any changes to practice introduced as a result of a concern raised under this Policy.


The report addressed concerns raised under the policy since the 1st April, 2015 to date.  Appendix 1 set out the nature of those concerns and how they had been dealt with. 


There had been two concerns raised under the Policy during the period in question.  The first related to an unauthorised disclosure of confidential information due to the information not having been kept securely.  Changes to the practice within the Department concerned had been made to ensure that the risk of such an occurrence was minimised in future.  The second concern related to allegations made by a former employee in respect of practices relating to the management of extra care accommodation.  An investigation had been undertaken but the outcome had yet to be determined.  No pattern or theme had emerged from the concerns raised.


The revised updated Policy, along with other employee related Policies which had been agreed, had been formatted and recently returned from translation.  The new HR intranet pages would be launched by the end of July, and as part of the launch it was intended to focus on the promotion of the new policies including the new Whistleblowing Policy.  HR Business Partners would promote the Policy within their client services in management meetings and managers would receive information directly. 


HR were looking at the possibility of having the presentation of the Policy put into an e-learning format to raise awareness.  Awareness of the Policy among staff and others would be key to its success, and it was hoped that a co-ordinated launch would achieve this.  The WP would assist the Corporate Priorities by helping to modernise the Council by ensuring that managers and employees were aware of their obligations in line with legislation and good practice.  It was explained that robust whistleblowing arrangements would help to support good governance throughout the Council.


In the absence of a robust and effective WP and Procedure with which employees and third parties engaging with the Council were familiar, there would be a risk that concerns about malpractice would not come to the attention of the Council.  It was essential that employees understood that they would be protected if they raised a concern in the reasonable belief that their report was made in the public interest.


The HLHRDS explained that the HR business partners would be promoting the Policy within their respective services, and the content of the WB Policy would be transposed into an e-learning format to enable access for utilisation as an awareness exercise.


In reply to a question from Mr P. Whitham, the HLHRDS provided confirmation that the WB would apply to third parties, outside bodies, consultants and would be made available to contractors and agency staff.  He explained that the Policy would be placed on the Internet and would apply to anybody who works for or with the Council. 


In response to a query from the Chair, it was explained that it would not be compulsory to complete a pro-forma when raising concerns.  The HLHRDS agreed that a summary of issues raised could be included in future WB Annual Reports which could incorporate details or an explanation for pursuing, or not pursuing, issues raised.


The HLHRDS provided a response to a question from Councillor E.A. Jones regarding the risk aspect to the Authority in relation to malpractice.  Councillor Jones highlighted the positive aspects of the WB Policy in terms of improving the reputation of the Council, and the provision of protection for individuals and their well-being.


RESOLVED – that:-


(a)          the Corporate Governance Committee receives and notes the contents of the Whistleblowing Report, and

(b)          a summary of issues raised be included in future WB Annual Reports, incorporating an explanation for pursuing, or not pursuing, complaints received.

     (GW to Action)


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