Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider a report by Councillor Julian Thompson-Hill, Lead Member for Finance, Corporate Plan and Performance (copy enclosed) detailing the latest financial position and progress against the agreed budget strategy.


RESOLVED that Cabinet –


(a)       notes the budgets set for 2015/16 and progress against the agreed budget strategy;


(b)       approve in principle the use of service underspends proposed by Heads of Service, subject to the Final Outturn position (summarised in Appendix 5 to the report);


(c)        approve the business cases relating to the 21st Century Schools for recommendation to Full Council as follows –


·         approval of the combined Outline and Full Business Case for the Glasdir Schools development, and

·         approval of the Business Justification Case for Ysgol Carreg Emlyn, and


(d)       that any existing councillors and officers who have been involved in the development of significant capital projects be invited to the opening ceremonies in respect of those projects whether or not those councillors have been returned following the elections in May 2017.



Councillor Julian Thompson-Hill presented the report detailing the latest financial position and progress against the agreed budget strategy.  He provided a summary of the Council’s financial position as follows –


·        a net under spend of £1.276m was forecast for service and corporate budgets

·        91% of agreed savings had been achieved to date (target £7.3m) and the majority of the remaining savings were projected to be achieved by 2016/17 at the latest

·        highlighted key variances from budgets or savings targets relating to individual service areas, and

·        a general update on the Housing Revenue Account, Housing Capital Plan and the Capital Plan (including the Corporate Plan element).


Cabinet was also asked to approve in principle the use of service underspends proposed by Heads of Service and to recommend the business cases relating to the Glasdir schools and Ysgol Carreg Emlyn schemes to full Council for approval.


The following matters were raised during debate –


·         Councillor Huw Jones was pleased to note the recommendation to approve requests for carry forward of underspends in the Communication, Marketing and Leisure Service which would enable projects to be undertaken during the next financial year.  Whilst commending the school improvement projects he took the opportunity to highlight the subsequent financial pressures on particular leisure centres through loss of income whilst those works were being carried out

·         Councillor Eryl Williams was pleased to confirm that all projects arising from the 21st Century Schools Programme had been included in the report and were progressing well.  He reported upon the hard work and preparation leading to the different projects, some of which would not be completed during the current council term, and Cabinet supported the proposal that councillors and officers involved in those schemes, and other significant capital projects, be invited to the opening ceremonies of those projects whether or not they returned following the elections in May 2017

·         Councillor Bobby Feeley referred to future financial planning and pressures in the Adult and Social Care Services and Councillor Julian Thompson-Hill advised that projections were being incorporated into the Medium Term Financial Plan and would be subject to further discussion as part of the future budget process

·         the Leader reported upon the rationale behind some of the underspends in the Economic and Business Development Service advising that progress was largely dependent on outside influences beyond the Council’s control

·         Councillor Julian Thompson-Hill confirmed that the additional amount the Council was required to pay to service its obligations in respect of the former Mutual Municipal Insurance Company was approximately £262k which would be funded from the Insurance Fund reserve

·         in response to questions the Chief Finance Officer explained the restrictions on the application of Housing Revenue Account funding and how elements had been used to accommodate the movement of housing staff from Brighton Road, Rhyl to Caledfryn, Denbigh and allow more flexible working arrangements as part of the rationalisation of office accommodation project.


RESOLVED that Cabinet –


(a)       notes the budgets set for 2015/16 and progress against the agreed budget strategy;


(b)       approve in principle the use of service underspends proposed by Heads of Service, subject to the Final Outturn position (summarised in Appendix 5 to the report);


(c)        approve the business cases relating to the 21st Century Schools for recommendation to Full Council as follows –


·         approval of the combined Outline and Full Business Case for the Glasdir Schools development, and

·         approval of the Business Justification Case for Ysgol Carreg Emlyn, and


(d)       that any existing councillors and officers who have been involved in the development of significant capital projects be invited to the opening ceremonies in respect of those projects whether or not those councillors have been returned following the elections in May 2017.


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