Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider a report by the Head of Business Improvement and Modernisation, (copy enclosed) on the changes required in the way that risk is managed in the Council.



A report by the Head of Business, Planning and Performance (HBPP), which explored the changes required in the way the Council manage risk  with regard to the Well-being of Future Generations Act (WFGA), had been circulated previously.


The HBPP provided a detailed summary of the report.  He explained that in order to comply with the WFGA the Council would be required to review the way it managed risk, and the report explored some of the issues the change raised for the Council, and outlined its potential impact on the Corporate Risk Register.               


The WFGA included far reaching changes to the way the Council would be required to conduct its business, and would need to demonstrate how it contributed to the seven aims by publishing annual Well-being objectives.  More fundamental would be the expectation that the Council would change the way it made decisions by taking into account the five Sustainable Development Principles: Long term; Prevention; Integration, Collaboration, Involvement.


The HBPP summarised each of the five Sustainable Development Principles, which had been included in the report.  Reference was made to the challenge relating to risk management, with risks being divided into short term ‘operational’ and long term ‘strategic’.  Details pertaining to the management of the specific risks, and the mitigating actions and options implemented to mitigate the complex risks, had been outlined in the report.


Confirmation was provided by the HBPP that the Council were confident that their current operational risk process was fit for purpose.  However, the larger task would be to develop the tools and techniques to improve the process in the future. 


The Council were working with partner Authorities to develop a method of impact assessment, and were also trialling community based resilience work which was intended to promote both long term thinking and constructive engagement on shared problems.  Members were informed that further work would be developed as the five Sustainable Development Principles were introduced.


Concern was expressed by Councillor S.A. Davies that the Act had been implement and determined by Welsh Government.  He questioned its parameters, methods and level of engagement with the public and the expectations of the Act.  The HBPP explained that many aspects and requirements of the Act were currently being addressed by the Council, and that Elected Members were already engaging with the local community and public in general.  He referred to the importance of exploring methods of strengthening the community, and examining alternative approaches to decision making, with a view to ensuring a level of improvement for future generations.


Councillor H.H. Evans explained that the Act would inevitably be introduced and it would be important to ascertain the level of emphasis to be placed on its development.  He alluded to the many areas which would be influenced by the Act, particular reference being made to Education and Safeguarding, and highlighted the need to make the most of the positives incorporated in the Act.  He expressed the view that engagement would not undermine the role of Members and that the Council’s Corporate Plan would be the driving influence for the Authority, taking into account the guiding principles of the aims within the Act.


The Chair concurred with the views expressed by the WAO Representative regarding the necessity to look at the broader picture and the need for a change in mind set, while not being driven by bureaucracy.  In reply to a question from the Committee, it was explained that if the Council ignored or failed to address the requirements of the Act then they could be liable to challenge at a future date.  The HLHRDS explained that the Act made reference to taking reasonable action or steps, and that if it was deemed that justified action had been taken there would be no cause of action.


The importance of planning ahead for the benefit of future generations, and assessing any associated risks, was highlighted by Councillor P.C. Duffy, and he expressed the view that the introduction of more pilot studies could be beneficial.


Councillor H.H. Evans referred to the possible benefits to be realised from monitoring the actions of other bodies and organisations and assessing the level of commitment.  He suggested that the Act be utilised as a vehicle to improve service delivery with limited resources, to and insert the principles of the Act into the decision making process.


During the ensuing discussion reference was made to the trialling of the community based resilience work intended to promote both long term thinking and constructive engagement on shared problems (People to People in Llangollen).  It was explained that the scheme had been undertaken in Corwen and the response had been very positive.  In response to a request to officers, it was agreed that the outcome of the project be conveyed to the Chair and then forwarded to Members of the Committee.


RESOLVED – that the report be received and noted.

     (AS to Action)


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