Agenda item

Agenda item


To receive a report and presentation from the Wales Audit Office (copy enclosed) on the Annual Improvement Report 2015/16.



The WAO Representative (GB) (WAOR) introduced the report and explained that in future the report would be presented in a new format which would comprise of four reports covering:-


-               Financial Resilience

-               Arrangements for Transformation

-               Governance Arrangements

-               Risk Based Examination of Corporate Arrangements


He explained the report had been created on the Council’s own performance report based on work undertaken by other Regulators such as CSSIW, Estyn and the work of the WAO carried out during the year relating to scrutiny, governance and financial resilience and arrangements for alternative service providers.


With the aid of a PowerPoint presentation the WAOR provided an in-depth summary of each of the following areas within the WAO Annual Improvement Report 2015/16:-


·                     Performance Assessment Contributors

·                     Performance Assessment Findings

·                     Use of Resources

·                     Governance

·                     Overall conclusions


The WAOR explained that the overall conclusion had been that the Council had sound financial management and scrutiny arrangements, and continued to make progress in delivering improvements in most of its priority areas, and this had delivered a very positive message.


The Head of Business Improvement and Modernisation (HBIM) endorsed the view that overall the report had been very good.  However, he made reference to three areas where issues had been highlighted:-


-               CSSIW issues relating to Social Services:-

·                     Arrangements for the protection of vulnerable adults had been questioned with regard to the management of the process and the robustness of the procedures adopted.  While it had been noted that services users had not been placed at risk, arrangements had been introduced to address the concerns highlighted and these would be tested by CSSIW.  Members were informed that the national standards for the acceptance of referrals had now been adopted.

·                     It had been considered that the level of Domiciliary Care provision was satisfactory.  However, deliberation could be afforded to employing additional monitoring officers if the review, currently being undertaken, indicated such action.


-               Member attendance at Scrutiny meetings:-

·           The HLHRDS outlined the steps taken to address the concerns highlighted, which had been accepted.  He explained that structural amendments had been examined to assist with Member attendance at meetings, such as a review of the Constitution, the formation of a Working Group to examine time and location flexibility, use of substitute Members and the removal of other restrictions.


-               Financial Arrangements:-

·                     The HPPB explained that a number of successful alternative delivery models had been developed, and a corporate approach had been prepared to assess and approve the development with a view to understanding the respective costs and impacts.

·                     Reference was made to service income and the previous charging processes, and the development and introduction of a Corporate Register of Fees and Charges.  The HIA and SA acknowledged that improvements had been noted.


In response to a question from Mr P. Whitham, the HBIM confirmed that the areas of concern highlighted would be included in the respective Service Risk Registers.


Councillor J.A. Davies expressed her disappointment that although it had been stated that the scrutiny process was working well there were still concerns relating to the care agencies, and she questioned if there was a sufficient number of care agencies.  The HBIM explained that the concerns raised did not relate to the standard of care provided, but to the way in which the care agencies and the provision of domiciliary care arrangements were monitored and regulated.  The WAOR outlined the process adopted and areas examined when assessing the performance of scrutiny.


In reply to a question from the Chair in relation to the network of co-operative councils and the commissioning of co-operative models and the need for a long-term strategy, the WAOR explained that to date a service by service approach had been adopted by the Council


During the ensuing discussion, the Chair explained that the WAO Annual Improvement Report 2015/16 would be presented to Full Council for consideration, prior to being presented to the Scrutiny Chairs and Vice Chairs Group for deliberation.


RESOLVED – that the Corporate Governance Committee receives and notes the contents of the report.

     (AS to Action)


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