Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider an application for development of 0.29ha of land by the demolition of redundant factory unit and construction of a church and community centre (outline application including access) at Former Thorpe Engineering and Design Site, Ffordd Derwen, Rhyl (copy attached).



An application was submitted for development of 0.20ha of land by the demolition of redundant factory unit and construction of a church and community centre (outline application including access) at Former Thorpe Engineering and Design Site, Ffordd Derwen, Rhyl.


Public Speaker –


Mr. M. Gilbert (For) – disputed the two recommended grounds for refusal (1) Flood Risk – highlighted two recent planning applications granted on or near the site with no objection from Natural Resources Wales, and (2) Loss of Employment Land – proposal would result in 11 full time and 13 part time jobs from the outset.  He also highlighted community benefits for the area.


General Debate – The Development Manager (PM) outlined the application and reminded members that a similar application had been refused in 2013 due to concerns over the site’s suitability.  He responded to comments made by the public speaker and elaborated upon the reasons behind the refusal recommendation arguing that the proposals would result in the loss of employment land in its traditional sense without a continuous marketing process of 1 year being carried out to evidence that the site was no longer capable of being retained for employment purposes which was contrary to planning policies.  With regard to flood risk he reported upon mitigation measures carried out in respect of the recent housing development near the site.  The proposed use of the site would mean a change of development category from ‘less vulnerable’ to ‘highly vulnerable’ and after considering the full response provided by Natural Resources Wales officers had reservations in that regard.


Having taken into account the strength of public feeling and wealth of local support for the project and given the community benefits, Councillors Pat Jones and Pete Prendergast (Local Members) spoke in favour of the application.


The committee discussed the merits of the application and material planning considerations.  It was noted that when the previous application was refused the committee had been keen for alternative sites to be explored and Councillor Brian Blakeley reported that despite best efforts no suitable alternative sites had been found.  Members acknowledged the community benefits of such a project but discussed whether the application site was suitable for the proposed use and there were mixed views in that regard.  The fact that the site was empty was a concern to members and those in favour of the application argued that granting the proposal would put the site to good use and generate some employment whilst providing a much needed community facility.  They also argued that Natural Resources Wales had not objected to the application and flood mitigation measures could be introduced to address any concerns in that regard.  However it was noted that the development would not generate traditional employment and other members agreed with officers that the proposal did not comply with Policy PSE 2 and PSE 3 of the Local Development Plan in terms of protecting employment sites.  It was also noted that there were no other allocated sites for employment use in the area.  In view of the need for key employment land in Rhyl some members felt that the application should only be considered if the site had been actively marketed in accordance with PSE 3 and evidence presented that it was unsuitable for employment use.  The change of categorisation for use from light industrial to public building was a further cause of concern for some who felt the proposal did not meet the justification tests of TAN 15 in terms of flood risk.  Reservations were also expressed regarding the size of the site in relation to the development; potential parking problems and its position on an industrial site.


Proposal – Councillor Pete Prendergast proposed, seconded by Councillor Pat Jones that the application be granted, contrary to officer recommendation, on the grounds that the application would provide much needed community facilities with some employment generated as a result of those community activities and given that flood concerns could be mitigated.







RESOLVED that permission be REFUSED in accordance with officer recommendations as detailed within the report.


At this juncture (10.50 a.m.) the meeting adjourned for a refreshment break.


Supporting documents: