Agenda item

Agenda item


To receive the minutes of the meeting of County Council held on 26 January 2016 (copy attached).


The minutes of the Council meeting held on 26 January 2016, were submitted.


Matters Arising


Page 8, Item 5 – Councillor Alice Jones confirmed that she had received a response from Simon Dean of Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board (BCUHB) regarding the evidence she had provided of poor care provided to some patients.


Councillor Alice Jones also asked for an update on the future of Tawelfan together with mental health care provision in the Royal Alexandra Hospital, Rhyl.


The Chief Executive confirmed that an update regarding the Royal Alexandra Hospital, had been provided to Members following a recent meeting with BCUHB which concluded they were not ready to commence the project as no project business plan was yet in place.  BCUHB officers confirmed commitment to the Royal Alexandra Hospital and a budget had been allocated.


The Corporate Director: Communities confirmed that Officers from BCUHB were due to attend Partnerships Scrutiny Committee on Thursday 25 February, 2016 to discuss the development of the Community Hospital in Rhyl and Members would have the opportunity to put forward questions at that meeting.


Page 9 – Councillor Eryl Williams stated that within the first bullet point it had stated that various suggestions had been raised at previous budget sessions.  Councillor Williams expressed the opinion that the suggestions should have been noted within the minutes to enable Members to be aware of what they were.


Page 11 – Councillor Eryl Williams queried the amount of cuts anticipated to grants.  Councillor Williams requested that members be provided with a list of all grants which were to be received including those which would be cut.


The Chief Finance Officer confirmed that a detailed summary of the finance report was due to be presented at the next Cabinet meeting.  There would be a reduction to the single enforcement grant and also to the education improvement grant.  Some grants had not yet been announced.


The Chief Executive clarified that the Council had not yet received information regarding all grants.  There was a possibility that some would not be announced until the new financial year.  Once all the information had been collated, the information would be passed on to all Members.


The Chair reiterated that it had been proposed by Councillor Eryl Williams that all Councillors receive a list of the grants at the end of the financial year together with any cuts proposed.  Seconded by Councillor Martyn Holland.  There was a unanimous show of hands in support of this proposal.


The Chief Finance Officer stated that grant funding had been discussed at the November 2015 Budget Workshop which had included a current list of all the grants.  The grants list would be updated and forwarded to all Councillors.


Page 12, Item 8 – Councillor Huw Hilditch-Roberts stated that there had been a meaningful discussion which had not been captured correctly within the minutes.  He proposed an alteration to reflect what had been said within the Council Chamber on that subject.


The Head of Legal, HR and Democratic Services explained to Councillor Hilditch-Roberts that the presentation by himself had not been completed as Members had requested the item be deferred for a more in-depth discussion.


Councillor Stuart Davies explained that in 2010 Council had discussed the style of minutes which would be attributed to all meetings.  As there were comments being received from members regarding the style of minutes he recommended this be analysed for an update which would be favourable to Members.


The Head of Legal, HR and Democratic Services confirmed the house style of minutes had been agreed in 2010 and, therefore, confirmed a report would be put forward to the Democratic Services Committee in May 2016.  If any changes were recommended, they would be looked into.


At this juncture the Chair took the opportunity to thank all the minute clerks for their hard work.


Page 13 – Councillor Cefyn Williams asked for an update following the Notice of Motion put forward regarding Right to Buy. 


The Head of Legal, HR and Democratic Services confirmed that he would request an update from the Interim Head of Finance and Assets regarding the business case.


RESOLVED that subject to the above, the minutes of the meeting held on 26 January 2016, be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.


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