Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider a report by Councillor Julian Thompson-Hill, Lead Member for Finance, Corporate Plan and Performance (copy enclosed) presenting an update on the delivery of the Corporate Plan 2012 – 17 as at the end of quarter 2 of 2015/16.


RESOLVED that Cabinet receives the report and notes the progress in delivering the Corporate Plan 2012 – 17 as at the end of quarter 2 of 2015/16.


Councillor Julian Thompson-Hill presented the report providing an update on the delivery of the Corporate Plan 2012 – 17 as at the end of quarter 2 of 2015/16.


The performance report provided a summary position for each outcome in the Plan together with an analysis of key exceptions.  All outcomes had been evaluated as acceptable or better and an explanation behind the status of each indicator had been included within the report with key issues elaborated upon further at the meeting.  In terms of the Corporate Project Register there were no projects with a ‘Red’ status and only three projects with an ‘Orange’ acceptable status with all projects on track.  Cabinet was advised that the Quarter 2 report had been considered by Performance Scrutiny Committee where issues relating to the new British Gas billing system and dog fouling byelaws had been raised.


During consideration of the report members discussed the following –


·         Pupil attendance in school – latest annual figures (to April 2014) showed performance 0.1% below the acceptable level of 93.7%.  Whilst this indicator was a priority for improvement it was not a particular area of concern

·         Percentage of open cases of children on the child protection register who have an allocated social worker – in order to provide assurances on the removal of this indicator members were advised that the outcomes framework was changing in line with the requirements of the new Social Services and Wellbeing Act and the indicator was being replaced with a raft of indicators which could capture data in a more meaningful way – the service would likely continue to monitor this particular indicator pending the establishment of the new indicators

·         Residents Survey – members were advised that the data was from the 2013 survey and results from the 2015 survey reflecting the latest views would be available for the next quarterly report.  It was agreed that a comparative of the two survey results be included in that report

·         Carbon Emissions – information could not be produced at present due to a major issue with the new British Gas billing system which they were working to resolve.  The problem was not unique to Denbighshire with a number of local authorities affected and it was suggested that consideration be given to seeking support from the WLGA and LGA in raising the issue with Energy Ministers.  In any event the Council was due to change its energy provider from April 2016.  Reference was also made to the work of the Council in reducing its carbon emissions and the Head of Finance, Assets and Housing agreed to circulate a briefing note clarifying the current position with regard to the billing system issue and steps being undertaken in order to reduce the Council’s carbon footprint

·         Developing the Local Economy – the Leader highlighted changes to Welsh Government support and funding for new business and concerns over the proposed new model which he felt could impede business growth in Denbighshire.  The Corporate Director: Economy and Public Realm reported further upon the way Welsh Government support for businesses was changing and provided assurances that the Council was working closely with other business advice and support providers for the benefit of businesses locally.


Cabinet commended the positive nature of the performance report and discussed how best to convey that message to the public and generate positive publicity.  Members advocated a drip feed approach to ensure a regular supply of information on the excellent performance and wider good work and investment in other areas and on major projects.  It was also suggested that the success of previously completed projects, such as the Rhyl Harbour Development, be re-promoted.  Councillor Hugh Irving agreed to take the matter up with the Communications Team.


RESOLVED that Cabinet receives the report and notes the progress in delivering the Corporate Plan 2012 – 17 as at the end of quarter 2 of 2015/16.


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