Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider an application for erection of one wind turbine with a hub height of 30.5m (48.01m to tip), control box and associated works at Tyfos, Llandrillo, Corwen (copy attached).



[Councillor Meirick Davies declared a personal interest because he attended ‘Pylon the Pressure Group’ meetings.  Councillor Huw Williams declared a personal interest because the public speaker for this item was Chair of Llanbedr DC Community Council of which he was also a member.]


An application was submitted for erection of one wind turbine with a hub height of 30.5m (48.01m to tip), control box and associated works at Tyfos, Llandrillo, Corwen.


Public Speakers –


Mr. A. Jedwell (Against) – explained the siting of the turbine would be intrusive and harmful to the landscape and would have a detrimental impact on the visitor economy and nearby residents.


Ms. S. Jones (For) – detailed the family’s links to the farm over four generations and the need to for farm diversification to ensure the viability of the business for the next generation.  The scheme would allow investment to be made in the farm which provided employment and support to other local businesses.


General Debate – The Planning Officer (IW) introduced the report and the need to balance the farm diversification merits against the localised impact and incremental spread of turbines.  In this case officers recommended the application be refused.


Councillor Cefyn Williams (Local Member) referred to the difficult decision to be made and the need for members to form their own views.  He felt the visual impact would be minimal given the location which fell outside the AONB and National Park areas.  During debate the importance of the farming industry was emphasised together with the role of farming in preserving and enhancing the natural beauty of the landscape.  The difficulties facing the farming community were highlighted, including the loss of farm subsidies, and the need for diversification projects to ensure future sustainability.  Members noted that the site fell outside the boundaries of statutory and nationally important landscapes and no objection had been raised by the Clwydian Range and Dee Valley AONB Joint Committee or Natural Resources Wales.  In considering the potential cumulative impact members noted that Welsh Government subsidies for future turbines would be withdrawn which would likely lead to fewer applications.  Consequently much support was expressed for the farm diversification project subject of the application.


Officers responded to members’ questions and comments as follows –


·         officers considered the turbine would add to the incremental spread of wind development in the area leading to an unacceptable cumulative landscape impact – cumulative impact was a material planning consideration

·         Natural Resources Wales comment primarily on statutory areas and tend to defer to the local authority on local landscape impact such as in this case

·         the turbine would be located outside the designated Strategic Search Area for windfarm development, and

·         highlighted the need to consider material planning considerations and not personal considerations when determining the application.


Proposal – Having due regard to the landscape/visual impact, tourism issues and potential cumulative impact, Councillor Cefyn Williams believed the case for farm diversification outweighed other planning concerns and he proposed, seconded by Councillor Huw Hilditch-Roberts, that the application be granted.  Officers advised that if members were minded to grant the application, planning conditions to be applied to the consent should be brought back to the committee for approval.



GRANT – 14




RESOLVED that permission be GRANTED, contrary to officer recommendation, on farm diversification benefits, and that planning conditions to be applied to the consent be brought back to the committee for approval.


Supporting documents: