Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider a report by the Corporate Complaints Officer (copy enclosed) which provides an overview of the feedback received via Denbighshire’s customer feedback policy “Your Voice” during the period 01.04.14 – 31.03.15.



A report by the Principal Manager Business Support (PMBS), which provided an overview of the feedback received via Denbighshire’s customer feedback policy “Your Voice” during the period the 1st April, 2014 to the 31st March, 2015, had been circulated previously.


Councillor H.C. Irving introduced the report which incorporated an overview of the volumes and types of feedback received during 2014/15, which would enable the Committee to agree that the Council had a robust system in place for dealing with customer feedback.  It also provided information regarding the Public Service Ombudsman for Wales’ Annual Report and the accompanying letter.


It was explained that responsibility for corporate complaints had transferred from the Head of Customers and Education Support to the Principal Manager - Business Support (PMBS), and the team which managed Social Services complaints.


The PMBS explained that the report had retained its format, as previously agreed by the Committee, and invited the Committees views as to whether the information provided was appropriate and adequate to enable the Committee to ensure that the process was robust and fit for purpose.   


A summary of the report and Headlines for 2014/15, Appendix 1, included:-


·                 A total of 411 complaints had been recorded – a decrease of 19% compared to the previous year’s total of 510.  Changes in the way complaints were recorded had accounted for this in part.


·                 Overall performance for the year had been 91 of stage 1 complaints responded to within the Your Voice timescales.  This had not meet the corporate target of 95%.


·                 Overall performance for the year had been 84% of stage 2 complaints responded to within the Your Voice timescales.  This had not meet the corporate target of 95%.


·                 The number of complaints successfully dealt with at stage 1 had increased to 93%.


·                  A total of 708 compliments had been recorded resulting in a decrease of 5% compared to the previous year’s total of 749.


·                 A total of 76 suggestions had been recorded, an increase of 13% compared to the previous year’s total of 67.


It was confirmed that 29 complaints had been made to the Ombudsman during 2014/15 which was higher than the Welsh Local Authority average, as indicated in Appendix 2.  One Section 21 report had been issued regarding a Protection of Vulnerable Adults investigation.  Appendix 3 provided a summary of the complaint.


Two complaints of Members breaching their code of conduct had been made during 2014/15.  Both complaints had been closed after initial consideration, as indicated in Appendix 4.


Mr P. Whitham highlighted the importance of incorporating details of trends within the report, and providing comparisons pertaining to present and past information.


In reply to a question from Councillor J.A. Davies, it was confirmed that the number of compliments received each year was greater than that of complaints, and it was acknowledged that lessons could also be learnt from compliments received.


The Chair expressed concern regarding a possible element of a duplication of work as this matter had been considered by the Performance Scrutiny Committtee (PSC), and suggested that consideration be afforded to the most appropriate reporting channel.  The HIA provided details of the Committee’s Terms of Reference, and the HLHRDS explained that the Committee would require an assurance that the system was being monitored robustly and appropriately. 


The Committee agreed that future reports be presented to the PSC, and the HLHRDS agreed that the Corporate Governance Committee’s Terms of Reference be amended accordingly.  Reference was made to the business item, Corporate Governance Committee – Terms of Reference Update, included on the Committee’s forward work programme for consideration at the November meeting.  


The HLHRDS suggested that it would be appropriate that if the PSC detected a trend which was a corporate issue rather than a service issue, then the matter be referred, by the Scrutiny Chairs and Vice Chairs Group (SCVCG), to the Corporate Governance Committee for consideration.  Members agreed that the SCVCG be requested to provide an annual briefing note on trends relating to complaints received.


The WAO Representative AV referred to the Annual Governance Statement which incorporated the provision of assurances presented to the Corporate Governance Committee.  These included many areas and incorporate the complaints process.


Following further discussion, it was:-


RESOLVED – that Corporate Governance Committee:-


(a)            receives and notes the contents of the report.

(b)            agrees that future reports be presented to the Performance Scrutiny Committee, and the Terms of Reference of the Committee be amended accordingly.

(c)            agrees that any trends detected, which were a corporate issue rather than a service issue, be referred by the Scrutiny Chairs and Vice Chairs Group to the Corporate Governance Committee for consideration, and

(d)            requests that the SCVCG provides an annual briefing note on trends on complaints received.

        (TW, COG, GW to Action)


Supporting documents: