Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider an application for details of appearance, layout and scale of 14 dwellings and site landscaping submitted in accordance with condition number 1 of outline planning permission 01/2014/0072 (Reserved Matters Application) at land adjoining Fron Deg, Ruthin Road, Denbigh (copy attached).



[Councillor Ray Bartley declared a personal interest in this item as Local Member]


An application was submitted for details of appearance, layout and scale of 14 dwellings and site landscaping submitted in accordance with condition number 1 of outline planning permission 01/2014/0072 (Reserved Matters Application) at land adjoining Fron Deg, Ruthin Road, Denbigh.


Public Speaker –


Mr. S. Evans (Against) – raised concerns over the density of the development and light pollution.


General Debate – Councillor Richard Davies (Local Member) shared the concerns expressed by Mr. Evans regarding over intensification of the site which he believed would not be in keeping with the area.  He referred to planning history relating to 6 dwellings with the current application showing a significant increase to 14 dwellings.  Further concerns had been raised regarding boundary fencing and ownership issues and access arrangements to Denbigh Cricket Club.  Taking into account local circumstances Councillor Davies believed fewer houses would be more beneficial on the site.  The Chair, Councillor Ray Bartley (Local Member) also shared the concerns raised and asked where the commuted sum would be spent.


The Planning Officer (DR) summarised the reasons behind the recommendation to grant the application.  The Local Development Plan (LDP) Policy RD1 sought to ensure the most efficient use of land by achieving minimum densities of 35 dwellings per hectare, unless local circumstances dictated a lower density.  The application would provide 28 dwellings per hectare which officers considered appropriate having regard to the locality.  As context reference was also made to the Welsh Government’s position in respect of the 5 year supply of housing land – it was clarified that whilst Denbighshire had allocated sufficient land for housing the pace of development was slow and therefore Denbighshire was falling below the 5 year target.  In this case the site was not an allocated site in the LDP but had been taken into account when calculating the level of housing land required.  Officers also responded to local members’ concerns, and questions raised during general debate by other members as follows –


·         boundary disputes were not planning issues but civil matters

·         the application did not include access to the Cricket Club and had therefore not been a matter for officers to assess

·         lighting could be easily controlled via condition to ensure no adverse impact although it was acknowledged that there were no special considerations in this location which would warrant that

·         any open space generated on-site would be minimal, therefore officers recommended a commuted sum be spent on enhancing existing provision in the lower Denbigh ward – the nearest playground was about half a mile away

·         open space provision for housing developments was assessed on a case by case basis and imposing conditions in this  regard at outline planning stage was not considered an appropriate option

·         the density of the development had been assessed against current planning policy and the number of dwellings fell short of the current threshold, officers considered the density proposed would not have an unacceptable impact on the character of the area and therefore was not considered grounds for refusal.


Proposal – Councillor Stuart Davies proposed the officer recommendations to grant the application, seconded by Councillor Dewi Owens.



GRANT – 21




RESOLVED that permission be GRANTED in accordance with officer recommendations as detailed within the report.


Supporting documents: