Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider a report by the Graduate Trainee:  Business Improvement and Modernisation (copy enclosed) which seeks the Committee’s observations on the progress to date with the project and members’ endorsement of the planned next steps.

10:45am – 11:30am




A report by the Development Manager, Planning and Public Protection (DM) had been circulated with the papers for the meeting.


Councillor D.I. Smith introduced the follow up report to the report presented to the Committee in April, 2015.  The report outlined the work carried out to date and planned the next steps by the Business Improvement and Modernisation Service (BIMS), along with providing an update on the Planning and Public Protection element of the project.  It provided information on progress on the project since responsibility for data sourcing had been assigned to the BIMS.


The Head of Business, Improvement and Modernisation (HBIM) made reference to the results of the pilot project, and it was confirmed that responsibility for the corporate aspects of the project had been transferred to the BIMS.  Planning and Public Protection had been tasked with continuing with the production of a regulatory procedure which would detail the regulatory options for managing the unauthorised residential use of holiday caravans from the planning and licensing perspectives.  Although some of the project milestones would be achieved by different services this would be run as a single project.


Details of the progress to date in identifying the magnitude of the problem, as outlined in the report, were summarised for the Committee.  An outline of the next steps to target and regulate service users, by utilising the Electoral Register and working with caravan site owners, was provided.  A comprehensive list of all holiday caravan site addresses in the County, and individual holiday caravans, had been included in Section 2 of Appendix 1.  A further five key milestones had been identified for the project which included:-


·                 Undertake mapping of holiday caravan site locations and allowances by Planning and Licensing, as identified in Appendix 3.

·                 Develop a data processing system to enable reporting on service use by holiday caravan ‘residents’ for data collected to date.  This had been included in Appendix 4 which was exempt from public disclosure as per paragraph 13 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act, 1972. 

·                 Undertake analysis and mapping of service use results.

·                 Produce a corporate caravan strategy.

·                 Development of a regulatory procedure and implementation plan.


The Development Manager (DM), Planning and Public Protection, outlined the objectives of corporately reducing the number of people living in holiday caravans by severing at source access to the provision of Council services.   He highlighted the need to regulate provision, which could be achieved by working with the caravan associations and caravan park owners, and detailed work had already been undertaken. 


The officers responded to concerns raised by Members in respect of residents on caravan sites being included on Electoral Registers in more than one area, and the possible financial implications related to addressing the problems identified.  The HBIM outlined the methods to be utilised through information attained to track services users residing in caravans.  In response to a suggestion by the Chair that such information should be available on all residents in the County, the CD:ECA explained that this was being achieved through the CRM system which matched people against addresses and service use. 


The Head of Planning and Public Protection (HPPP) explained that the issue being considered was a corporate matter, and highlighted the advantages of addressing the issues through a corporate project and by agreeing an appropriate enforcement strategy.  Reference was made to current legislation and he highlighted the need to identify the quantum of the problem which would assist in determining solutions and implementing a coordinate approach.


In response to concerns raised by Members, the officers provided details of the investigation process and mapping exercise adopted with regard to larger and smaller caravan sites.  Details of current costs and future financial implications were provided for the Committee, and the HBIM highlighted the importance and advantages of building an accurate system to mitigate future costs. 


The HBIM confirmed that it had been predicted that all project milestones would be achieved and all primary products produced by the end of 2015.  He anticipated that a report would be presented to the Committee in late autumn, detailing the future strategy and regulatory procedure.  During the ensuing discussion the Committee expressed its full support for the work undertaken, and the planned next steps outline in the report.


RESOLVED that the Committee:-


(a)   receives the report.

(b)   notes the project progress to date, and

(c)    endorses the planned next steps outlined in the report, and agrees to receive a further report on progress in the Autumn of 2015.


Supporting documents: