Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider a report by the Strategic Planning Manager (copy enclosed) which details the April 2015 formal revision to the Corporate Risk Register.

                                                                                10.10 a.m. – 10.45 a.m.


A copy of a report by the Strategic Planning Manager (SPM), on the April 2015 formal revision to the Corporate Risk Register (CRR), had been circulated with the papers for the meeting.


The formally updated version of the CRR had been agreed at Cabinet Briefing.  It enabled the Council to manage the likelihood and impact of risks that it faced by evaluating the effect of any current mitigating actions, and recording deadlines and responsibilities for further action that should enable tighter control.  The purpose of the Corporate Risk Register was to identify the potential future events which may have a detrimental impact on the Council’s ability to deliver its objectives, including its Corporate Priorities.  The identified controls and actions were crucial to the delivery of the Corporate Priorities.


The Strategic Planning Manager (SPM) introduced the report and advised that there were some minor changes to the wording of some of the risks listed in Appendix 1, following the Cabinet Briefing meeting earlier in the week.  Responding to Members questions officers advised that:-


· with respect to risk DCC007 the remaining 9% of the workforce who were yet to undertake data protection e-learning modules would do so this year.  In the main these were staff who did not readily have access to computers, therefore classroom sessions etc. would be offered to them;

·  the wording of DCC013 had now been amended and extended from arm's length organisations to include those services which the Council commissioned from other providers or outsourced to others to deliver on their behalf e.g Civica.  This would be important going forward as more services were likely to be outsourced;

·  the likelihood of risk DCC017 had now reduced following the reduction in posts within the ICT Department, and the refocussing of the Department's work to be more outward focussed.  The roll-out of the Microsoft Outlook e-mail system to replace the current Lotus Notes system would also contribute towards the reduction in the risk score;

·  the risk posed by DCC019 should be reduced by the next revision of the Risk Register as more information should be available by then on the availability of the WG 21st Century Schools match-funding;

·  responding to Members' concerns on the reduction of the residual risk score of DCC021 from 'probable' to 'possible', officers advised that this decision had been taken based on the knowledge that a new management structure had now been established within Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board (BCUHB) for the county area, and the fact that Denbighshire's Lead Member for Social Care (Adults and Children's Services) and its Director of Social Services served on the BCUHB.  Therefore the risk of the Council not being able to assess and plan for the potential impact of the Health Board's decisions on the County had reduced;

·  it may be beneficial for the 'Cutting Our Cloth Task and Finish Group' as part of its work to consider the impact on services of the loss of skills due to the budget cuts.


The Chief Executive had recently asked that the Scrutiny Chairs and Vice-Chairs Group (SCVCG) examine Cabinet forward work programmes in detail to adequately inform their Committees on the important matters that would be coming up in forthcoming months.  Responding to Members' queries he requested that the minutes of the SCVCG be made readily available in an easy accessible location for all Elected Members.


RESOLVED – that Performance Scrutiny Committee:-


(a)  subject to the above observations, notes the deletions, additions and amendments to the Corporate Risk Register; and

(b)  requests the 'Cutting Our Cloth' Task and Finish Group to assess the impact of the budget related service reconfigurations on services' employee profiles, including their skills base.


Supporting documents: