Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider a report by the Scrutiny Coordinator (copy enclosed) seeking a review of the committee’s forward work programme and updating members on relevant issues.

                                                                                     10.55 a.m. – 11.05 a.m.



A copy of a report by the Scrutiny Coordinator (SC), which requested the Committee to review and agree its Forward Work Programme and provided an update on relevant issues, had been circulated with the papers for the meeting. 


A copy of the ‘Member’s proposal form’ had been included in Appendix 2 and details of the form were provided by the SC.  In future no items would be included on a forward work programme without a ‘scrutiny proposal form’ being completed and accepted for inclusion by the Committee or the SCVCG.  The SC explained that assistance in completing forms would be available if required.           The Cabinet Forward Work Programme had been included as Appendix 3, and a table summarising recent Committee resolutions and advising on progress with their implementation, had been attached at Appendix 4. 


Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board:-


It was explained that as Professor Trevor Purt, Chief Executive of the Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board, had attended a Council Briefing on the 16th March, 2015 to discuss the Board’s three year plan with all Councillors it was considered premature to invite BCUHB representatives to the Committee on the 30th April to discuss progress to date.  Members agreed that the meeting with Health Service representatives should be deferred until the 17th September, 2015 with the 3rd September as a possible alternative date if required.


                    Members agreed that Councillor J. Butterfield be appointed the Committee Representative on the Education Service Challenge Group.  Appendix 5 included an up to date list of Scrutiny representatives on the Service Challenge Groups.


The Committee considered its draft Forward Work Programme for future meetings, Appendix 1, and the following amendments and additions were agreed:-


30th April, 2015:-


The Scrutiny Coordinator explained that the Principal Countryside Officer: Warden Services had indicated that he would be unable to attend the meeting scheduled for the 30th April, 2015 to present the report on the AONB Joint Committee, and it was agreed that the meeting be cancelled.  The Committee agreed that a meeting be convened for either the 14th or 21st May, 2015, depending on the availability of those required to attend, to consider the report on the AONB Joint Committee.  It was also agreed that representatives from Denbighshire Voluntary Services Council (DVSC) and the Rhyl Coastal Partnership be invited to the meeting to discuss their role in supporting communities to access services and funding when non-statutory Council services were withdrawn.  In response to questions from Members, details of the Membership of the Rhyl Coastal Partnership were provided for the Committee.


30th July, 2015:-


- The SC explained that an officer request for the Committee to consider a report on the Denbighshire Communities First Cluster had been permitted and scheduled into the forward work programme for the 30th July, 2015.


The Scrutiny Chairs and Vice-Chairs Group (SCVCG) had, on the 19th February, 2015, considered the Welsh Government’s recent White Paper Devolution, Democracy and Delivery – Reforming Local Government:  Power:  Power to Local People.         Chapter 8 of the White Paper, ‘Strengthening the Role of Review’, set out the WG’s proposals for scrutiny, and a brief summary of the proceedings was provided by the SC.   


The Annual Report on the Scrutiny Committees’ activities during the year would be presented to the Annual Council meeting in May.  An evaluation exercise of Scrutiny had been undertaken with a questionnaire having been circulated to Scrutiny Members, and to a wider group including all Councillors and members of SLT.  The SC requested that the questionnaires be returned as soon as possible.


RESOLVED – that, subject to the above, the Work Programme as set out in Appendix 1 to the report be approved.

Supporting documents: