Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider a report (copy enclosed) by Team Leader Economic and Business Development (South) on the current position of Welsh Government's Partnership approach to the delivery of the Rural Development Plan (2007-2013).  Information will also be provided on proposed rural development funding for the period 2014 - 2020. 

9:35am – 10:15am


The Deputy Leader introduced the report (previously circulated) and explained the current Rural Development Plan (RDP) 2007 - 2013, which had been extended and would now cease on 31 December 2014, had drawn in circa £4.8m into the rural areas of Denbighshire and Flintshire - £1.5m of which had been for Axis 3 projects aimed at improving the quality of life in rural areas and to encourage diversification.


The current RDP had involved close working between Denbighshire and Flintshire county councils via the Local Action Group (LAG) Cadwyn Clwyd, the proposed RDP for 2014 - 2020 would be a tripartite working relationship involving Wrexham County Borough Council as well.


Previously the Dyserth area had not been included in the RDP Plan but successful representations meant it would be included in the 2014-2020 Plan.


A map of the County illustrating the distribution of monies (and the project list) under the RDP was circulated at the meeting.  It showed a fairly even distribution of the funding across the county.  However, as Rhuddlan and Bodelwyddan had entered into the current RDP Plan at a later stage, it had not benefited from the Plan to the extent of the remainder of the area.  More activity would be planned in the Rhuddlan/Bodelwyddan area for it to benefit from the new RDP in due course.


The Committee heard that under the 2007-2013 Plan Denbighshire County Council had been responsible for distributing grant money to businesses, whilst Cadwyn Clwyd (the LAG) had awarded bursaries;


A number of tourist and agri-food projects had benefited under the current plan as had community projects.  With the current Plan drawing to a close an anticipated 1% to 2% underspend was projected.  This was an acceptable level of underspend for such a programme, and a far lower rate of underspend that a number of other rural development plans.


the rate of return for the Council of the RDP's work in the area was showing a £4 rate of return for every £1 contributed by the Authority in projects;

despite the fact that the current plan would be ceasing at the end of 2014 the 2014-2020 RDP Plan submitted to the Welsh Government (WG) was yet to be approved.  Approval was expected to be given in February 2015, one WG received confirmation on RDP funding from the European Commission


Responding to members questions the lead members and officers :


·        advised that the current RDP had included a good cross-sector of projects across the County;

·        answered questions on specific projects and undertook to provide more information on the Llangollen Museum project;

·        explained how outcomes from projects were measured and how the Wales Audit Office had the powers to undertake spot-checks on the administration of the scheme locally;

·        outlined the consultation process which had been undertaken as part of compiling the new RDP for 2014-2020;

·        confirmed that the new RDP would have greater emphasis on tackling poverty and economic regeneration, particularly the regeneration of excluded/hard to reach communities.  The new plan would expect projects submitted for consideration to have explored and secured match-funding for the projects prior to receiving RDP funding.  Any funding awarded under the new RDP would need to attract at least 20% match funding from elsewhere;

·        affirmed that Cadwyn Clwyd would again be the decision taking body with respect to awarding funding for projects, with a representative from each of the rural area Member Area Groups (MAGs) sitting on the awarding body;

·        advised that with local government funding dwindling year on year local members should, through the MAGs and the town and area plans  earmark high priority or desirable projects that may benefit from applying for RDP funding and identifying additional funding sources to match-fund the projects. 

It was already known that communities within Denbighshire were eligible to benefit from other funding sources e.g. Communities First, community monies from major infrastructure/wind energy projects.  A co-ordinated approach towards the planning and delivery of proposed projects could maximise the benefits from them for the communities concerned, ensure long-term sustainability and support the Council's ambition to develop the local economy as well as to deliver a number of its corporate priorities.  It should also be noted that not all projects would be compatible with the Council's priorities ;

·        noted that the 2014-20 Plan also included proposed improvements within the AONB

·        Scrutiny members from both Denbighshire and Flintshire councils would be invited to attend the celebration event marking the conclusion of the 2007 - 2013 RDP Plan

At the conclusion of the discussion the Committee:



(i) subject to the above observations, to note the good practices identified during the delivery of the current programme of the Rural Development Plan funding in rural Denbighshire and that those practices be utilised where appropriate during the new programming period; and

(ii)  that a report outlining external funding schemes available to local communities, as part of national or European government schemes/funds or as recompense for large infrastructure projects and how they can best be coordinated with local government funding with a view to maximising the benefits to local communities, be presented to the Committee for consideration at its meeting in February 2015

Supporting documents: