Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider a report by the Corporate Programme Manager (copy enclosed) on the Council’s Draft Annual Performance Review for 2013/14.



A copy of a report by the Corporate Programme Manager (CPM), on the Council’s Annual Performance Review for 2013/14, had been circulated prior to the meeting.


Councillor B.A. Smith and the Head of Business, Improvement and Modernisation (AS) introduced the report.  It was explained that the Council were required to publish an annual report of its performance by 31st October, and a decision was required to approve the draft 2013-14 Annual Performance Review, Appendix I.


The Council’s Corporate Plan 2012-17 set the strategic direction for the Council and its priorities for the five-year period.  Details of the Council’s intention to deliver the priorities had been set out in Annual Service Plans and the Corporate Plan Annual Delivery Document, and a set of Outcome Agreements with the Welsh Government. 

The Annual Performance Report provided a retrospective evaluation of the Council’s success in delivering against these Plans during 2013-14, and showed whether the Council had successfully fulfilled its obligation to make arrangements to secure continuous improvement.


The Corporate Improvement Team had developed the report in consultation with other Council services.  Performance information had been provided by services, and drawn from the Verto Performance Management System.  Consultation had taken place with the SLT, Cabinet and the Performance Scrutiny Committee prior to being submitted to County Council for approval.


The risk of significantly negative reports from external regulators had been identified on the Corporate Risk Register.  Failure to publish the Annual Review by the 31st October deadline would be likely to result in statutory recommendations from the Wales Audit Office, with significant implications for the Council’s reputation.


The Corporate Plan and the Annual Performance Review were key elements of the Wales Programme for Improvement (2010), which was underpinned by the statutory requirements of the Local Government Act 1999 and Local Government (Wales) Measure 2009.


Councillor E.A. Jones referred to the Bodelwyddan Key Strategic Site and sought an assurance that the allocation of 26 hectares of employment land would be utilised for employment purposes, and not land banked or used for housing at a future date.  Councillor B.A. Smith explained that the land in question had been designated as employment land in the LDP, which had been adopted by Council, and any change would require Council approval. 


Councillor H.H. Evans confirmed that discussions were ongoing between officers and developers pending the submission of a Planning Application in respect of the Bodelwyddan site.  He explained that funding from the Ambition Board, whose priority had been to focus on employment sites, had been allocated to investigate key areas across the County.  Councillor E.W. Williams suggested the issue of employment land could be a matter for consideration by the LDP Action Group.


The Chief Executive explained that the employment land at Bodelwyddan had been clearly set out in the LDP, and would be identified in the respective Planning Application.  However, he suggested that the issue of employment land, and the respective work being undertaken, could be a matter for consideration by Scrutiny.


Reference was made by the Chief Executive to Council Briefing, where it had been intimated that the Denbighshire would remain committed to delivering the Corporate Plan, and this would be progressed if confirmed.  He explained that Council were being requested to receive and endorse the 2013/14 Annual Performance Review, which had previously been considered by Scrutiny.  Members were informed that performance would be affected by budget related decisions, and these would require mapping against performance issues.  Members were assured that areas experiencing a reduction in performance levels, as a result of budget cuts, would be clearly identified, and the Improvement Plan would be reviewed to reflect such decisions.          


In reply to a question from Councillor J.A. Davies, it was confirmed by Councillor B.A. Smith that the provision of dropped kerbs had been identified as a priority in the Corporate Plan, for implementation over a five year period.  Councillor D.I. Smith explained that a survey relating to dropped kerbs was being undertaken and the outcome would be reported to the respective Member Area Groups.


Councillor H.H. Evans referred to the Transport Infrastructure and confirmed that aspects of the Economic and Community Ambition had been withdrawn due to a lack of resources, with the focus now being on areas of impact.  He explained that TAITH had been centralised and decisions pertaining to infrastructure development were now a matter for Welsh Government.


The Head of Business, Improvement and Modernisation agreed to review the accuracy of abbreviations used in the Welsh version of the Annual Performance Review document.


Following further discussion, and on being put to the vote, the recommendation in the report was agreed:-


34 votes for and 1 against.


RESOLVED – that Council approve the draft 2013-14 Annual Performance Review to enable translation and publication before 31st October 2014.


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