Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider a report by the Head of Internal Audit, which report provides the  details of Internal Audit’s follow up work at Blessed Edward Jones School following its initial report in October 2013 and first follow up report in June 2014 (copy enclosed).



A report by the Head of Internal Audit, which provided details of Internal Audit’s follow up work at Blessed Edward Jones School following its initial report in October 2013 and first follow up report in June 2014, had been circulated previously.


A report on Blessed Edward Jones School in October, 2013 had given a ‘medium’ assurance rating, included an action plan with 13 areas for improvement.  However, the Committee had expressed concern that the School should address its financial pressures and requested a follow up report.


The HIA explained that the follow up report in July, 2014 had showed good progress overall with the Action Plan but the Committee expressed concerns over the lack of a financial recovery plan at that stage, and a further report had been requested.


The follow up Action Plan, Appendix 1, indicated that the School had made further progress in delivering improvements and agreed its financial recovery plan. 


The Chair welcomed Mr Dominic Tobin, Headteacher, and Ms Sonia Weaver, Business and Finance Manager, to the meeting.  The school representatives replied to questions from Members of the Committee, and provided the following responses as to how the School would meet its budget in 2016/17.


-                  Changes in the school funding formula now appeared to be transparent and fair.

-                  The current situation experienced by the school had arisen as result of previous considerable outlays of money.

-                  It was felt that with the planning and organisation plan adopted the situation could be addressed entirely within a two to three year period.

-                    The major factor currently being negated had been the five year drop in role numbers.  Details of the role numbers for years 7 and 11 were provided, together with, the effect on funding provision, the impact on the schools current status and the work currently being undertaken to address the situation.

-                  An assurance was provided that the school organisation and staffing structure was now more efficient, and that high quality education would be delivered to the students at the school.

-                  There was now a confidence in the school that the year 7 numbers would improve, and an outline for the long-term future of the school, including funding provision, was provided.

-                  Details of the work to promote the future of the school were provided in light of the publicity relating to the campaign for a new faith school.

-                  An outline of the work undertaken in respect of reconciling staffing issues in terms of contracts was outlined for the Committee.

-                  School Governors had become more involved in the operation of the school and had been viewed as a critical friend who was willing to submit questions and offer good positive challenge.  Members were informed that the number of Governor Finance meetings had also increased, and steps were currently being taken to fill the LEA Governor vacancy on the Governing Body.

-                  The Headteacher would this term be commencing negotiations with staff and Governors in respect of the Teacher and Learning Responsibilities (TLRs) structure within the school.


In response to concerns raised that the matter of surplus financial reserves held by schools, and the monitoring of timescales in relation to the Recovery Plan were issues for consideration by the Scrutiny Chairs and Vice Chairs Group and the respective Scrutiny Committees, the HIA explained that it had been agreed that Internal Audit would undertake an audit of the financial management of schools, and the Committee agreed to review the matter pending receipt of the report.


Members of the Committee noted the progress made at the school during the short period of time since the appointment of Mr Tobin as Headteacher.  Following further discussion, it was:-


RESOLVED – that Corporate Governance Committee:-


(a)            receives the Internal Audit follow-up report and notes the progress made, and

(b)            requests that the Internal Audit report on the financial management of schools be presented to the Corporate Governance Committee when completed.

     (IB to Action)


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