Agenda item

Agenda item

BUDGET PROCESS 2015/16 - 2016/17

To consider a report by the Head of Finance and Assets (copy enclosed) which provides an update on the process to deliver the revenue budget for 2015/16.



A report, and confidential Appendix, by the Head of Finance and Assets (HFA), which provided an update on the process to deliver the revenue budget for 2015/16, had been circulated previously.


The HFA introduced the report and explained that the budget process had moved into Phase 3 which was focussed on finalising the 2015/16 budget.  Appendix 1 provided an illustration of the budget process.  The process would revert to consideration of the 2016/17 budget with Member budget workshops arranged to focus on saving proposals in February and March 2015, and this would become Phase 4.  The forecast budget gap for 2016/17 was approximately £8.8m, and savings of £2.7m had been approved as part of the current process leaving a gap of approximately £6.1m.


An updated table of key events in the process to the end on March, 2015 had been included as Appendix 2.  Further dates and details would be added following a scheduled budget session with SLT in February.          A report approved by Cabinet on the 13th January, 2015, which set out recommendations to be made to Council on the 3rd February, had been included as Appendix 3.  The CA explained that there had been minor amendments to the report presented to Cabinet which included a further analysis of council tax levels across North Wales, and comments received following the LJCC meeting held on the 14th January, 2015.


          The report set out proposals to balance the 2015/16 budget, including raising Council Tax by an average of 2.75%, the level assumed in the Council’s budget plans, and use of general balances.  Following the budget workshop in December, it also included a formal recommendation to prioritise the delivery of the Corporate Plan in future budget rounds.  The report to Council in December highlighted the significant consultation process and details had been included in the report, together with, details of possible risks and the actions implemented to negate and address them.


The CA invited Members attention to Section 10 of the report, which included the specific risks referred to by Mr P. Whitham at the previous meeting.  He explained that SLT would be considering these specific issues, and the general implementation of the savings, at a meeting scheduled for the 5th February, 2015.  The CA confirmed that a report of the outcome of the meeting would be presented to the Corporate Governance Committee.  During the ensuing discussion Mr Whitham expressed his appreciation for the inclusion of the risks in the report.


In response to a question from the Chair, the CA confirmed the budget process for 2016/17 would commence in February, 2015.  However, he explained that some of the proposals had already been agreed and he provided a brief summary of the process adopted.


RESOLVED – that Corporate Governance Committee:-


(a)            receives and notes the contents of the report on the latest update, and

(b)            agrees that a report of the outcome of the SLT meeting on the 5th February, 2015 be presented to the Corporate Governance Committee.

     (RW to Action)


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