Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider a report and a confidential appendix by the Head of Finance and Assets (copy enclosed) which provides an update on the process to deliver the Revenue Budget 2015/16.



A report, and confidential appendix, by the Head of Finance and Assets (HFA), which provided an update on the process to deliver the revenue budget for 2015/16, had been circulated previously.




exclusion of press and public

RESOLVED – that under Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972, the Press and Public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 14 and 15 of Part 4 of  Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.


Councillor J. Thompson-Hill explained that a further update had been provided to Cabinet Briefing and all Freedoms and Flexibilities budget meetings had been completed.  However, elements of the Highways and Environment Section had been delayed.  The schedule of meetings had been included in Table 2 in the report, and the next stage of the process would include the three Member Budget Workshops.  Details of key events, dates and status had been included in the report.


At each meeting, a detailed analysis of the service budget had been considered and a set of outcomes agreed.  An example of the service analysis and outcomes relating to Adults and Business Services had been enclosed as Appendix 1 and Appendix 2. From the outcomes, a series of detailed information sheets had been produced to highlight the range and timing of potential savings, the impact, risks and suggested consultation requirements, with an example having been included in Appendix 3.  Councillor Thomson-Hill confirmed that details pertaining to each of the respective services would be provided at the Member Budget Workshops, and details of the process to be adopted were outlined.  


In response to questions from Members, it was explained that the information to be presented to the budget workshops in July would be based on the appendices enclosed, and would detail each of the respective services.  The view of the Corporate Governance Committee, in respect of the format and detail of the information contained in the appendices, would be key in informing the process as it continued to develop.  


The CA provided the following responses to questions raised by Members:-


-                  With regard to Appendix 1 and the “approximate percentage of resources allocated to component” column being left blank, two different approaches had been adopted for the two pilot exercises.  It was explained that the way the budget had been structured had not always provide a clear reflection of the activity and this judgement had been left to Heads of Service.


-                  Concerns expressed in relation to the inconsistency of detail provided in respect of the figures included under various headings and services were noted.  Mr Whitham felt a comment or explanation should be included for clarity purposes.


-                  The CA agreed to examine the possibility of providing details to Member Workshops on the split of grant and other income.  Members emphasised the importance of being made aware of the source of income for service provision and its sustainability.


-                  Members were informed that although various modules of the PARIS system were operating satisfactorily, the financials module had not yet been introduced.


-                  Councillor M.L. Holland referred to the need to ensure that any new systems introduced be fully utilised by the Council, the CA endorsed the view that a review of the Council’s IT management of systems and process be undertaken, possibly with the overview of the Corporate Governance Committee.


-                  In reply to concerns raised by Councilllor G.M. Kensler in respect of Welfare Rights issues, the CA referred explained that one of the outcomes had been to undertake a review grants paid through the Social Care budget.


-                  Mr P. Whitham referred to the management of the risk element of the possibility of the Council being unable to meet the future expectations of the public in view of the reduction of resources available, and the need to inform the public of the circumstances to mitigate any future risk.  


During the ensuing discussion the Chair requested that Members be provided with paper copies of the reports to be submitted to the Member Workshops.


RESOLVED – that Corporate Governance Committee receives and accepts the contents of the report.


PART I  -  The meeting resumed in open session.



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