Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider a report by the Head of Highways and Environmental Services (copy enclosed) on the conclusions of the Highways Strategy Working Group and the draft Highways Asset Management Strategy.

11.30 a.m. – 12.05 p.m.



A copy of a report by the Head of Highways and Environmental Services, which outlined the latest position regarding to the County road network and described how the future condition would be managed, had been distributed with the papers for the meeting.


The HHES introduced the report which detailed the latest position with regards to the reactive and preventative maintenance work on the County's roads network.  The report was the next stage following discussion with Members at a strategy Working Group meeting on the 10th October, 2013, following a report to the Communities Scrutiny Committee in July, 2013.


The importance of properly assessing and evaluating the benefits resulting from the significant investment in improving the condition of the carriageway were highlighted.  The two methods for doing this included the Scanner data, which produced the Performance Indicator, and the Road Condition Indicator (RCI).  Details of each of the processes had been included in the report.


Appendix A detailed Denbighshire’s overall performance in terms of the Scanner output and, for context, included the County’s relative position with respect to the ‘Family Group’.  It also indicated the ongoing improvement in the RCI, the visual appearance of the carriageway.  Members noted that improvements had been made and sustained. 


Since identifying roads as a priority for 2009/10 Denbighshire had invested over £18m and details of the funding allocation had been summarised in the report.  It was explained that agreement of the Capital Programme to maintain the network properly would be crucial, and the report examined scenarios to manage assets to mitigate the risks.  All Welsh local authorities had worked with consultants to build on best practice.  Appendix B provided a range of likely and the most prudent way to manage the risk.  A Code of Practice allowed for a variation in the regime and Denbighshire would need to agree what the regime should be in terms of a prioritised network and how the Highway Authority should manage it.  Appendix C provided an example of how the network may be prioritised and the importance of consultation was emphasised. 


Since The Highways Act 1980, case law had clarified some points relating to the frequency of highway inspections, definition of ‘defect’ and the length of time a highway could be left unrepaired.  However, there was still some leeway and a definition of Denbighshire’s MINIMUM level of maintenance would be required.  Appendix D provided some proposals which would require discussion prior to agreeing a Highways Maintenance Policy.


Officers explained that it was pleasing to report that the County's performance was improving, particularly against a backdrop of WG funding cuts. Members were advised that with the Local Government Borrowing Initiative (LGBI) ending in March, 2015 some difficult decisions needed to be taken with respect to future investment in the highways network.  Scarce resources would need to be spent wisely and in a targeted way.  Unless this was done the condition of the roads would deteriorate very quickly.


The need to examine the classification of some routes in future was highlighted.  A Member Workshop would be held with a view to defining a highways maintenance prioritisation process and explaining and understanding the principles of road maintenance.  The HHES confirmed that having a well-defined road maintenance prioritisation process would mitigate the risk of successful litigation claims against the Authority.  He also explained that a better structured road maintenance policy, which would include a clearly defined prioritisation process, should realise value for money from investment and reduce unnecessary spending.  Responses were provided by the officers to Members questions relating to the proposal and to matters within their respective areas.


RESOLVED – that the Committee:-


(a)   subject to the above explanations, note the progress made to date in improving the highways network across the County.

(b)   accept the principles of a highways maintenance prioritisation process, and

(c)   agrees that the holding of further workshops would be beneficial with a view to developing a clear strategy  for the County's roads network and a well-defined highways maintenance prioritisation process.


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