Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider a report by the Head of Business, Planning and Performance (copy enclosed) on the self-assessment of the Council’s governance and improvement arrangements for 2013/14.



A report by the Head of Internal Audit, on the self-assessment report on the Council’s governance and improvement arrangements for 2013/14, had been circulated previously.


The Committee had previously approved the Council’s Annual Governance Statement.  However, this report replaced that process by combining the previous governance self-assessment and corporate self-assessment.


The HIA explained it was good practice to consult widely on the self-assessment with Members and senior management and this was the commencement of the process.  It had been considered to be good practice to develop an ‘annual governance statement’ (AGS) which formed part of the Council’s Statement of Accounts.  However, there had been some duplication between the self-assessment needed for the AGS and the corporate self-assessment which focused more on continuous improvement.  The documents had now been combined to provide an innovative approach to save resources and provide a joined-up approach to self-assessment.


A Draft named ‘Delivering good governance and continuous improvement’, Appendix 1, was currently open for consultation with Members and senior management.  This was an early draft and work was in progress and required further discussion, particularly with SLT.  The final version would be signed by the CEO and Leader by the 30th June, 2014 and presented to the Committee with the Statement of Accounts.  Details of the contribution of the self-assessment to the Corporate Priorities, and the consultation process, had been incorporated in the report.


The HIA explained that work was currently being undertaken in respect of the production of an Anti-Fraud and Corruption Policy and its future implementation, which would incorporate changes pertaining to the Bribery Act.


The HLDS informed Committee that the Whistleblowing Policy had not yet been formerly adopted.  He explained that the All Wales Model Constitution had now been prepared, which incorporated a Whistleblowing Policy, and it would be examined and comparisons made with the Council’s draft version of the Whistleblowing Policy which would be submitted to Council this year as part of the overall review.


During the ensuing discussion the following issues were raised by Mr P. Whitham and responses provided:-


-                  Reference was made to Page 97 of the report and clarification requested as to whether or not the development of key projects included the Procurement and Construction Services.

-                  In response to question from Mr Whitham regarding the provision of details on the Council’s guidance on the review of Policies, the HIA explained that had intended to undertake a general review of the Council’s Policy Framework.

-                  Reference was made to “the review of the Corporate Risk Register twice a year”, Page 103 of the report, and it was suggested that this should indicate the inclusion of the involvement of the Corporate Governance Committee.

-                  Concern was expressed that no reference had been made to Information Management being as significant governance weakness, and it was suggested that reference to Access to Information, Freedom of Information and Data Protection be included on Page 103 of the report.  The need for the provision of training in respect of Information Management, and the associated risks, was also highlighted.  The Committee agreed that the Chairs and Vice Chairs Group be requested to look at the possibility of examining best practice in dealing with freedom of information requests.

The HLDS confirmed that the Corporate Information Manager had written to all Heads of Service requesting information regarding the receipt of repeat requests.


In response to a question from Councillor G.M. Kensler, the HLDS explained that the possibility of developing e-learning modules for Elected Members could be examined and could prove to be beneficial. 


The WAO representative referred to the composition of the report and explained that there were certain SITFA requirements with which the Government directed compliance and inclusion in the document.  The HIA made reference to the previous year’s report and the improvement in Human Resources, and significantly Information Management.  He also referred to areas identified for improvement in the Action Plan which could be included in an Appendix to the final version of the report.


Following further discussion, it was:-


RESOLVED – that, subject to the issues raised by Members, the Committee notes the content and new approach to the combined self-assessment.


Supporting documents: