Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider a report by Councillor Eryl Williams, Lead Member for Education (copy enclosed) presenting the determination and objection report for consideration and seeking Cabinet approval of the proposal.


RESOLVED that Cabinet –


(a)       note the determination report and objection report, and


(b)       following consideration of the above, Cabinet approve the proposal to close Ysgol Llanbedr as of 31 August 2014 with existing pupils transferring to Ysgol Borthyn, Ruthin subject to parental preference.


Councillor Eryl Williams presented the report detailing the objections received following publication of the Statutory Notice to close Ysgol Llanbedr with pupils transferring to Ysgol Borthyn, subject to parental preference, together with factors to be considered prior to determining the proposal.


Councillor Williams explained the context of reviewing schools as part of the modernising education programme and statutory processes to be followed.  Cabinet considered the objections detailed within the report together with the arguments for the proposal and factors detailed in the School Organisation Code.  During that process members asked questions and sought assurances regarding a number of issues.  The following responses were provided to the issues raised –


·        Ysgol Borthyn was considered sustainable long term and had been identified as an alternative school (being English Medium and faith based) – only one respondent had confirmed a preference for that school at this stage

·        the stages of the review process were explained and assurances given that all schools in the Ruthin area had been treated equally with different outcomes depending on the particular circumstances relating to each school

·        the reasoning behind the proposal for Ysgol Llanbedr was explained taking into account the criteria applied and the need to tackle surplus places and rationalise the school estate in order to access capital funding and invest in schools

·        even at full capacity (54 pupils) the school was not considered sustainable with suitable alternative provision 2.1 miles away

·        assurances were provided that all responses received as part of the consultation process had been taken into account and due process had been followed

·        consideration had been given to attainment levels which were generally good across all Ruthin area schools; it was believed standards would not suffer as a result of the proposal and the Council strived for continuous improvement.


Councillor Huw Williams spoke against the proposal and commented as follows –


·        he felt that reference (within the determination report) to the allocation of £8400 to Llanbedr Village Hall was unfair and should be removed

·        parents felt they had not been provided with enough information on alternative schools to express a preference

·        the option to federate the school should be explored further

·        whilst Rhos Street School and Ysgol Pen Barras had surplus places there were safety issues in terms of traffic management which would be worsened if pupils transferred to those schools

·        assurances had been provided by the Head of Education to the Governing Body in March 2012 that there was no intention to close the school

·        queried whether ‘Munchkins’ child care facility could be safeguarded if the school closed

·        asked whether the Diocese had been approached for funding.


The following responses were provided –


·        reference had been made to the funding allocation for Llanbedr Village Hall in order to respond to questions raised regarding community impact

·        the context in which the discussion took place with the Governing Body in 2012 was provided in order to support the school and provide stability at a time before the school had entered into a review situation

·        Munchkins’ was a private business linked to the school and the value of that provision had been acknowledged – officers would work with other Ruthin schools to explore the possibility of providing wrap around care for pupils

·        during general discussion on faith reviews it was apparent that the Diocese did not have the capital to invest in schools.


Councillor Dewi Owens thought the proposal premature because pupil numbers could increase over the next few years.  Councillor Merfyn Parry highlighted that some parents wanted their children educated in a rural school.  Officers responded that such a preference was not a fundamental priority for consideration and the Council provided a mix of rural and town schools where sustainable.  Councillor Huw Hilditch-Roberts was concerned about uncertainty for pupils and was advised that a report would be submitted to Cabinet in June regarding capital funding for the outcome of the review but there would still be some unknowns in terms of timescale for a new Ruthin school.


The Head of Legal and Democratic Services highlighted the relevant factors which must be considered when approving and determining proposals together with the requirements of S.53 of the School Standards and Organisation (Wales) Act 2013 for members to approach the proposal with an open mind and consider objections alongside arguments for the proposal.  Cabinet was satisfied that the relevant factors had been considered throughout the process and that the requirements of S.53 of the Act had been met when determining the proposal.


In moving the recommendation Councillor Eryl Williams highlighted the difficult decisions required in order to progress the modernising education agenda and ensure the best quality education in the future.  The Leader supported the recommendation adding that the review presented an opportunity to manage surplus places and modernise schools.


RESOLVED that Cabinet –


(a)       note the determination report and objection report, and


(b)       following consideration of the above, Cabinet approve the proposal to close Ysgol Llanbedr as of 31 August 2014 with existing pupils transferring to Ysgol Borthyn, Ruthin subject to parental preference.


[Councillor Hugh Irving took no part in the discussion or voting on this item as he had not been present throughout the entire proceedings.]


At this juncture (10.55 a.m.) the meeting adjourned for a refreshment break.


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