Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider a report by the Economic and Business Development Manager (Coastal Team Leader)  (copy attached)  to enable the Committee to evaluate and monitor the Programme’s progress and achievements in delivering its anticipated outcomes, and to identify any slippages with the Programme’s delivery.

10.10 a.m. – 10.40 a.m.



The Coastal Team Leader introduced the Rhyl Going Forward Quarterly Report (previously circulated) to enable Communities Scrutiny Committee to evaluate and monitor the Programme’s progress and achievements in delivering its anticipated outcomes, and to identify any slippage with the programme’s delivery.


It was confirmed that the Harbour Master Office on completion would also house a café and other business within the building.


The state of disrepair of the boarding around the old funfair site was raised.  The Economic and Business Development Manager (E&BDM) had been in contact with the owners of the land, Scarborough Developments.  They had assured the E&BDM that a representative of the Company would visit the site on Monday 27 January.  E&BDM had contacted the Head of Planning and Public Protection who confirmed enforcement action could be taken.  If there were no improvement of the state of the boarding by the end of the following week, notice would be served upon Scarborough Developments and a timescale given.  If the work were not carried out by the specific date then Denbighshire would carry out the work and a charge would be placed upon the land.


Officers confirmed that Welsh Government funding for events in the Events Arena had come to an end, but work was underway under the Town Plan to explore possible alternative funding streams.


It was agreed by all Committee Members present that their thanks be recorded and passed on to the E&BDM and the Coastal Team Leader for the tremendous work they were carrying out.


RESOLVED that Members of the Communities Scrutiny Committee noted the progress made.


Supporting documents: