Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider a report by the Head of Education (copy enclosed) which provides an update on the progress made in response to the recommendations made by Estyn following the 2012 inspection.

                                                                                                         9.35 a.m.



A copy of a report by the Head of Education (HE), which detailed the progress made in response to the recommendations made by Estyn following the 2012 inspection, had been circulated previously.


The HE provided a summary of the report and confirmed that the main findings of the Estyn Report indicated that the Authority achieved ‘Good’ for the three key questions which included How good are outcomes, provision and leadership and management.  All other indicators had also been judged to be ‘Good’, with ‘Leadership’ having been judged to be ‘Excellent’.


Members were reminded that Estyn had made two recommendations:-


-                  Recommendation 1: Improve the accuracy of Teacher Assessments at the end of Key Stage 3; and


-                  Recommendation 2: Related to the Partnerships Agenda and identify all services for children and young people in Denbighshire and establish an effective system to measure the impact of these services to help the Authority and its partners know whether these offer good value for money.


Progress to date against both recommendations was detailed in the appendices to the report.  The Authority at present was at a crossroads in responding to the recommendations due to a combination of the efficiencies agenda, the regional collaboration work and plans for Estyn assessment in the context of on-going changes regionally and nationally.  During the next six months officers would evaluate the work undertaken to date, assess its efficacy and revise the Authority’s approach to meeting the recommendations according to the resources available, and it was explained that some of the services for children and young people questioned by Estyn in 2012 were now subject to the efficiency savings agenda.  The importance of the need to acknowledge the change in the inspection process was highlighted by the HE, particular reference being made to the role of the Regional School Improvement Service.


Confirmation was provided that improving performance in education and the quality of school buildings was one of the Council’s Corporate Priorities for 2012-17, and by monitoring the delivery of the Action Plan the Committee could assist the Council in fulfilling part of the above ambition.  In order to reduce any risks to school support and challenge in Denbighshire schools, officers would monitor and assess the quality of the regional support from GwE.  There would be an opportunity to strengthen the moderation process for KS3 Teacher Assessments, and this should improve the quality of external moderation ensure continuity and parity of Teacher Assessments across North Wales.


In response to questions from Members, it was suggested that the next monitoring report be presented to the Committee at the end of the 2014 summer term.  The Committee agreed and requested that the report include details of the measures taken by the Authority to address issues relating to improving the accuracy of teacher assessments at Key Stage 3 and their effectiveness in achieving this aim, along with evidence that GwE was using Moodle to host (PDF) levelled exemplar materials in all subjects and levels, and also the results of the audit currently underway of all services available to children and young people in the County and the effectiveness of the system established to measure the impact and value for money of those services on the County's children and young people.


The HE replied to questions from Dr Marjoram and explained that details of the improvements to address the short comings in the accuracy of Teacher Assessments at the end of Key Stage 3 would be incorporated in the next report, and this would include measurements for improvement and performance at each of the Key Stages.  She also provided an assurance rural areas would not bear the burden of the proposed budget cuts, as the Council were focused on eradicating silo working and ensuring the delivery of the best service provision for all residents across the County.


Councillor C. Hughes expressed the view that the report in respect of the Regional School Effectiveness and Improvement Service (GWE) should be presented to the Performance Scrutiny Committee.  The Scrutiny Coordinator explained that the Scrutiny Chairs and Vice-Chairs Group had allocated this matter to the Partnerships Scrutiny Committee for consideration, and confirmed that both elected and co-opted members could attend the meeting.  Non Committee members would also be welcome to attend.   Following further discussion, it was:-


RESOLVED – that:-


(a) subject to the observations made, the Committee note the progress achieved to date in addressing Estyn's recommendations.

(b) the Committee continues to monitor the Action Plan's implementation on a regular basis until Estyn's next inspection of the Authority's education services provision.

(c) the next monitoring report be presented to the Committee at the end of the 2014 summer term.

(d) the report includes details of the measures taken by the Authority to address issues relating to improving the accuracy of teacher assessments at Key Stage 3 and their effectiveness in achieving this aim, along with evidence that GwE is using Moodle to host (PDF) levelled exemplar materials in all subjects and levels, and

(e) the report also includes the results of the audit currently underway of all services available to children and young people in the county and the effectiveness of the system established to measure the impact and value for money of those services on the County's children and young people.


Supporting documents: