Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider a report by the School Effectiveness Performance Officer: Secondary (copy enclosed) which detailed the verified performance of Denbighshire schools external examinations results at Key Stage 4 and post 16.

                                                                                                          10.10 a.m.


A copy of a report by the School Effectiveness Performance Officer: Secondary (SEPO:S), which detailed the verified performance of Denbighshire schools’ external examinations results at Key Stage 4 and post 16, had been circulated with the papers for the meeting.


The SEPO:S provided a summary of the report which analysed results against benchmarked information and performance against other Local Authorities (LAs) and provided information regarding the performance of Denbighshire schools teacher assessments and external examinations.  Most key indicators at KS 4 for external qualifications had improved.  However, the Level 2 threshold including English, Welsh and Maths had declined slightly which had impacted on the Core Subject Indicator (CSI).  Assessments and Examination Rankings for 2011/13 had been included in the report


He explained that one of the key performance indicators at the end of key stage 4 was the Level 2 Threshold including English, Welsh and mathematics and respective data and information had been incorporated in Appendix 1.  Details of the Level 2 Threshold statistics pertaining to individual schools had been included in the report, together with, provisional Level 2 results for Ysgol Plas Brondyffryn, Denbigh.


Details of Secondary Banding had been provided and the SEPO:S confirmed that there were no Denbighshire schools in lower bands 4 and 5 in 2013.  The LAs average banding score had placed Denbighshire fifth in Wales in 2013 down from second in 2012.  The performance indicator for post 16 was the Level 3 Threshold, which had remained static at 96.8% in for the last three years, was above the Welsh average of 96.5% and placed Denbighshire ninth in Wales.  A Level results had improved in Denbighshire’s secondary schools as detailed in Appendix 2 to the report.


The number of students in Denbighshire entered for post 16 qualifications in 2013 had increased to 463 compared to 439 in 2012.  The improvement in results at KS4 and post 16 partnership working had contributed to the increase.  Rhyl 6th students achieved 94% for the Level 3 Threshold compared with 97% of Denbighshire High Schools pupils.  However, these results had not contributed to the LA’s indicators.


The following responses were provided by the officers to issues and matters raised by Members:-


-              The SEPO:S and HOE responded to concerns raised by Councillor G. Sandilands and explained the reasons for the decline in attainment at Prestatyn High School.  It was confirmed that a decline had been predicted and that extra support had been provided to the school to mitigate the risk.  However the decline had been greater than anticipated.  Nevertheless officers were confident that improvements in respect of results would be achieved through close working with the Headteacher.

-                  Members were informed that the London Challenge approach was used within the county’s schools as were consultants with a view of working with Headteachers and Heads of Departments to achieve rapid improvements.

-                  Councillor D. Owens referred to the improvements at Rhyl High School.  The HE explained that the School had been aspirational and much of the success achieved had resulted from the leadership of the Headteacher and the effective working of the Primary Schools in the Rhyl area.

-                  The SEPO:S explained that problems experienced at St Brigid’s, Denbigh, resulting in a 7% decrease, had stemmed from issues relating to mathematics.  He referred to the competent work undertaken by the Acting Headteacher and the support provided for the school, particularly the Senior Leadership Team.

-                  Councillor C. Hughes expressed concern regarding the benchmark statistics in respect of Denbigh High School.  The HE explained that areas of concern at Denbigh High School related to historical curriculum issues.  It was confirmed that the Headteacher had worked closely with the Headteachers of the feeder primary schools to take the appropriate action to improve standards and the respective indicators.

-                  Dr D. Marjoram referred to the good work being undertaken in the special schools in terms of examination results and qualification achieved.  However, she expressed concern that the Welsh Government (WG) had no methodology for ranking special schools.  

-                  In response to issues raised by Members, the Committee requested data, in the form of an information report, on the examination results and teacher assessments on pupils attending the County's Special Schools, pupils with additional learning needs attending mainstream education, pupils educated at home, children/young people placed out of County, and those attending specialist schools outside the County.

Councillor E.W. Williams replied to a question from Councillor G. Sandilands and provided details of the proposed funding provision for education services in the light of budget cuts.  He referred to the budget provision to protect long term improvement in schools and highlighted the importance and need to monitor and maintain performance in Denbighshire schools.


Following a detailed discussion it was:


RESOLVED – that the Committee:-


(a)   subject to Members' comments, receive and note the contents of the report.

(b)   request an information report on the examination results and teacher assessments on pupils attending the County's Special Schools, pupils with additional learning needs attending mainstream education, pupils educated at home, children/young people placed out of County, and those attending specialist schools outside the County, and

(c)   congratulate education staff and pupils on the results achieved.


Supporting documents: