Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider a joint report by Councillors Barbara Smith and Hugh Irving (copy enclosed) which provides a summary of the work in coordinating work streams including volunteering, graduates, apprenticeships, work experience and internships.


Councillor Hugh Evans presented the report, circulated previously, which provided a summary of the work undertaken in Denbighshire in coordinating a number of work streams including volunteering, graduates, apprenticeships, work experience and internships (VGAWEI).


RESOLVED:- that Cabinet agrees the adoption of:-


(a)          the Corporate Volunteer Strategy, Appendix 1 to the report, and

(b)          the targets for the volunteering work programme and for the continued work to develop work experience placements, internships, graduate traineeships and apprentices as set out in paragraph 4.8 of the report.



Councillor Hugh Evans presented the report, circulated previously, which provided a summary of the work undertaken in Denbighshire in coordinating a number of work streams including volunteering, graduates, apprenticeships, work experience and internships (VGAWEI).  It focused on a potential future programme of work to develop volunteering which would bring significant benefits to the organisation, and further advance its “bringing the Council closer to the community” priority and its regeneration priority.


Funding to support the development of VGAWEI had originally been allocated as part of the People and Places Board programme and details of resources and funding had been summarised.  Investment had exceeded targets in most cases but funding had ended in September, 2013.  The report proposed a continuation of the programme with a stronger emphasis on the development of volunteering.  Significant outputs had been achieved as a result of investment in graduate trainees and details had been incorporated in the report, with a fuller account included in Appendix 2.


The cost of developing the opportunities had been relatively modest, £40k for 12 months’ staff costs and a £40k match fund.  Most opportunities created had been supported via external funding with a high proportion of young people taking up the opportunities having been retained by the organisation, with others successfully gaining work elsewhere.  Information available indicated that a high value had been place on the opportunities by young people and managers and that the work had enhanced the Council’s reputation in the community.


The development of volunteering had not advanced as quickly as that for employment opportunities.  It had been considered that the development of volunteering would bring significant benefits to the organisation and these had been outlined in the report.  From research carried out regarding volunteering within Denbighshire, Appendix 2, it had been apparent the organisation would benefit from a more strategic focus and sustainable coordination of volunteering opportunities.  A Corporate Volunteer Strategy had been developed, Appendix 1, which outlined a consistent approach to the attraction, management and retention of volunteers.  In addition services had agreed to fund an interactive Volunteer Management Information System (MIS) which provided a clear portal for all volunteer opportunities within the organisation.  This system would allow for an effective approach to the management of volunteers and provide new opportunities.


CET had agreed to fund a post for 12 months from allocations for corporate priorities and the Spend to Save fund because of its potential to add value to all priorities.  The purpose of the post had been outlined in Appendix 3 and summarised in the report.  The sector leading approach to the management of volunteers would ensure a flow of talent to other traineeship opportunities.  It was anticipated that as part of adopting the strategy and the implementation of the post the following outcomes would be achieved:-


-   Increase of 200 volunteers in the first year with the total number of people volunteering reaching 2000 by 2016.

-   60 work experience placements.

-   5 traineeships and 5 graduate internships.

-   35-40 apprentices.


Denbighshire had a clear vision on how the investment and creation of opportunities such as volunteering and traineeships would contribute to the Corporate Priorities.  A substantial amount of work had been achieved but could not be absorbed by other officers.  Continued investment would be required to ensure work on the volunteering strategy and traineeships was further developed to achieve its full potential benefit.


An outline of how the programme would contribute to developing the local economy and provide benefits to the community in terms of had been summarised in the report, together with, its effect on other services which included costs relating to the Management Information System.  Details pertaining to the Equality Impact Assessment, consultations carried out, Chief Finance Officer Statement and the risks and actions implemented to reduce them had been included in the report.


In response to a question from the Leader, who expressed his support for the strategy, the CDMW provided details of the consultation process and confirmed that discussions which had taken place with the DVSC regarding the strategy.  She explained that it had been considered that an internal system for the coordination and development of volunteers would be more beneficial across all services.


RESOLVED:- that Cabinet agrees the adoption of:-


(a)          the Corporate Volunteer Strategy, Appendix 1 to the report, and

(b)          the targets for the volunteering work programme and for the continued work to develop work experience placements, internships, graduate traineeships and apprentices as set out in paragraph 4.8 of the report.


Supporting documents: