Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider a report by the Head of Communications, Marketing and Leisure (copy enclosed), which details the key changes which have taken place as part of the re-structure of the Destination, Marketing and Communications Team, and the new operating model for the team.  The report seeks Members’ observations on the new approach.

                                                                                                        11.00 a.m.


A copy of a report by the Head of Communications, Marketing and Leisure (HCML) had been circulated with the papers for the meeting.


The Team Leader Communications and Campaign Management (TLCCM) introduced the report which set out the key changes in the re-structure of the Destination, Marketing and Communications Team, the new operating model for this team, and outlined ways in which the services would be delivered by the team to meet the enhanced performance required by the Council.  It was confirmed that the literature review report would follow at a later date due to difficulties relating to the events programme and other priorities over the summer.


The key driver for changing the service had been the requirement to deliver an enhanced economic performance in Denbighshire through improved marketing and communications, leading to increased economic activity, investment and job creation.  The other key requirement for change had been the need to adequately resource the new team to ensure that the enhanced performance required was achievable, with the capacity of the existing team having been identified as an issue.


The Team Leader - Tourism, Marketing and Events (TLTME) summarised the key principles for change which had been listed in Appendix 2.  The remit and structure of the new team would ensure a greater focus on the development of destination management and destination marketing with key interfaces agreed to mirror the Economic and Business Development team structure and objectives.  The new team would deliver a more efficient and better service, primarily through improved evaluation and performance management, and better co-ordination.  Re-structure costs included project management costs and an allowance of £26K had been set aside for the review as a one off cost from the 2011/12 budget.  The re- structured team would provide a more complete and tailored service to other services through the introduction of account management and campaign management, some of which would generate income to cover the expansion of the remit.  Full informal and formal consultation had been undertaken with staff and services directly impacted by the change, and with the Corporate Executive Team (CET), Senior Leadership Team (SLT) and Council through presentations at each forum.  The Head of Service has also been available to members on a one to one basis.


In response to concerns expressed by Councillor H.O. Williams, the TLCCM supported the views expressed regarding the importance of addressing any breakdown in communication between officers and Members, and made particular reference to the need to improve the dissemination of information to Local Members in respect of activities in their respective Wards.  He highlighted the advantages of Elected Members utilising social media as a tool to communicate with members of the public and also made reference to the possible negative implications.  Councillor C.L. Guy felt one of the weaknesses had been failing to communicate with members of the public who did not utilise the website or read County Voice, she felt that it would be important to target young people by using the social network, possibly through Facebook or Member and staff visits to Colleges and Schools. 


The HCML agreed to circulate contact details for staff members to councillors in the Destination, Marketing and Communications would be circulated to Members.  He also provided details of how social networks would be utilised by the Authority, through Facebook and Twitter, to communicate with the public and promote the work of the Council.  In response to a question from the Chair, it was explained that the Council’s social media account would be updated on a daily basis by the Corporate Communications Officer.


The TLCCM agreed to liaise with Countryside Services in respect of the concerns expressed regarding the need to improve signage provision in the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) and the need for AONB personnel to communicate with local elected members on matters of concern.


It was confirmed that the Council’s logo would not be changed.  However, the branding of corporate literature would be reviewed with the coloured waves on the base of documents being removed.  Councillor M.Ll. Davies enquired why staff manning public contact areas such as reception desks were no longer bilingual, which seemed to contravene the Council’s own language policy.  Officers agreed to look into the matter.  He also suggested that Welsh background music be played at public buildings and tourism businesses across the area to promote the Welsh culture and the ethos of the County.  The HCML also provided confirmation that the Members printed photo gallery would be updated in the near future.


The Chair expressed appreciation to the staff for the work carried out at the recent National Eisteddfod in Denbigh, particular reference being made to Ruth Williams, the Council’s former Principal Regeneration Strategy Officer’s, contribution to the event’s success.


RESOLVED – that, subject to the issues raised by Members, the Committee expressed its support for the new approach, and positive engagement in the process of change.


Supporting documents: