Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider a report by Councillor Bobby Feeley, Lead Member for Social Care and Children’s Services (copy enclosed) which provides an overview of proposals to remodel day care for older people.



RESOLVED - that Cabinet:-


(a)       receives the report and notes Members comments, and

(b)       approves implementation of the new model as set out in paragraphs 4.10 and 4.13 of the report.



The Leader presented the report, circulated previously, which provided an overview of proposals to remodel day care for older people.  The proposals primarily related to changes in North Denbighshire, however the underlying strategic principles for promoting people’s independence through reablement, and the use of community resources, applied across the County.  The background rational for the proposals had been provided and the service area had been identified as an area for budget reduction in the medium term financial plan.


Members were informed that the Chief Finance Officer Statement should be amended to read "The report suggests that savings will arise from this review and that these will be reinvested in social care. The proposals will also release space in one of our buildings that will enable it to be used for other purposes."


Appendices 1 and 2 detailed some of the consultation undertaken and highlighted areas where the model had been changed to reflect some of the issues raised.  The report recommended in paragraphs 4.10 and 4.13 to approve implementation of the new model.


A detailed summary of the report was provided which included:-


-               In 2012 Welsh Government had identified the need for social services across Wales to respond to increased and changing societal expectations, demographic change and a difficult resource environment.

-               In 2013 the Social Services and Wellbeing Bill (Wales) laid before Welsh Government.

-               The basis for the construction of Denbighshire’s model for adult social care. 

-               In general people wanting to retain their independence and community links rather than attend specialised centres for older people.

-               There being well developed community based services which were open to all age groups.

-               It being appropriate that people were able to access community resources, an approach consistent with the Social Services and Wellbeing Bill (Wales).

-               Denbighshire’s reablement strategy having been very successful in enabling people to regain skills and confidence to enable them to live an independent life.

-               Llys Nant and Hafan Deg being traditional day centres providing an excellent and much valued service to those people who use them. 

-               The people using the centres being an extremely small proportion of the total population of older people in the area.  This being evidenced in Appendix 3.  Most of those attending one of the two centres do so for 2 or 3 days per week as detailed in Appendix 4.


Members’ attention was invited to the following revised proposal:-


·                     To move existing services in Prestatyn from Llys Nant to Nant y Mor - This would provide opportunities for people to develop wider social networks with residents at Nant y Mor as well as the opportunity to become involved in a greater range of activities provided at the Extra Care facility.  Existing and new service users with indentified eligible needs would be supported 3 days a week with a more ‘’drop-in type’’ activity aimed at socialization to reduce the risk of isolation on the other 2 days.


·                     In the medium/long term to explore moving day care provision in Rhyl  to Gorwel Newydd - However, we would want to ensure that any plans identify a suitable and sustainable approach for the use of the Hafan Deg building.  This includes developing facilities at the centre to enable us to progress our reablement approach i.e. setting up a ‘home’ kitchen as well as exploring the potential to use the building for a greater range of support and social activity for older people both at War Memorial Court and the wider community.


·                     Initially move to 3 days provision of traditional day care at Hafan Deg, with 2 days focusing on providing reablement.  The original proposal being to stop all traditional day care activity on the site.  However, this had been amended in light of the concerns raised by service users, their carers and Local Members, but still allowed the service to support reablement and sustainability.


·                     Assuming the principles set out in the paper were approved a detailed project plan would be developed for the current arrangements in both Hafan Deg and Llys Nant. Each plan would reflect the need to manage the changes sensitively and in consultation with service users and their carers.  The key milestones in relation to each centre had been included at Appendix 5, and an Equality Impact Assessment had been included as Appendix 6.


Details of how the decision would contribute to the Corporate Priorities, the cost and effect on other services, conclusions of the Equality Impact Assessment and the consultations undertaken had been summarised in the report.


The value of the day care facilities to elderly persons in the local community was emphasised by Councillor Jeanette Chamberlain-Jones who stressed that it would be important to be mindful of the services provided at the respective Centres.


Following further discussion, it was:-


RESOLVED - that Cabinet:-


(a)       receives the report and notes Members comments, and

(b)       approves implementation of the new model as set out in paragraphs 4.10 and 4.13 of the report.

(PG to Note)


Supporting documents: