Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider a report, which includes a confidential appendix, by the Rhyl Going Forward Programme Manager (copy enclosed) providing an update on the Rhyl Going Forward Regeneration Strategy.

10.10 a.m.


The Rhyl Going Forward Manager (RGFM) submitted a report (previously circulated) providing an update on the Rhyl Going Forward (RGF) Regeneration Strategy.  The strategy contained the following four work streams –


·         West Rhyl Regeneration Area

·         Town Centre

·         Seafront and Tourism

·         Live & Work in Rhyl


The RGFM elaborated upon the each of the work streams summarising the main aims and objectives for the particular areas; progress in reaching those targets, and future considerations.  He also responded to a number of issues raised by members during consideration of their last update report.


Members questioned the RGFM regarding progress with individual projects and sought assurances regarding future outcomes for particular developments.  He responded as follows –


·         explained the lack of progress with developing the Ocean Plaza site because of issues relating to the electricity power supply and flood risk

·         confirmed that the demolition of the Honey Club was imminent following completion of the outstanding contractual issue

·         the public enquiry for the compulsory purchase order for properties in West Rhyl would commence in May and it was hoped a second phase of demolition to create green space would be carried out at the end of May

·         revised plans for the next phase of coastal defence works were awaited in order to assess the possibility of relocating the Skatepark to that area

·         confirmed that a compulsory purchase order had been made for the burnt out arcade on the promenade with a public enquiry scheduled for June and negotiations were still ongoing to acquire the premises

·         provided an update on the future of the Suncentre and its present condition and dialogue between the Council and Clwyd Leisure Limited in that regard; it was hoped that the Suncentre would continue operating as long as possible until the development of any new proposals; confirmation regarding the revised opening date for the 2013 season was still awaited.


Members discussed their concerns regarding the town centre and impact of online sales; loss of shops generally including two flagship retailers to Prestatyn’s new retail development, and were concerned that objectives had yet to be developed and agreed to address the issues.  The committee sought assurances that initiatives were being developed to support and attract businesses highlighting the need to attract the right type of business to enhance the town and complement existing offers and ensure longevity and sustainability of businesses.  The RGFM confirmed the need to develop a coherent regeneration strategy as soon as possible and reported upon a range of initiatives being considered including reduced business rates, review of car parking and improvements to Rhyl Market.  He referred to potential future funding from the Welsh Government’s New Regeneration Framework to address such issues in the town.  The committee highlighted that problems facing Rhyl’s town centre were replicated across the county and the Chair referred to his attendance at an Economic Ambition Workshop the previous day when the same issues had been discussed and he advised that work was also ongoing in that forum to address them.  Councillor Bob Murray reported upon the detrimental impact on Prestatyn’s High Street since the new retail park had opened advising that work was also ongoing to tackle that problem.


The importance of education as part of the live and work strategy was also highlighted and the Corporate Director Customers referred to the impact of good schools and quality education on the economy.  He responded to questions regarding the historically poor state of the Rhyl High School building and plans to develop a new school building which were progressing well.  He added that the quality of secondary education provided within the Rhyl area had improved.


Finally members discussed road access into the town and the RGFM referred to the limiting crossing points as a result of the railway.  Creation of a new access road was cost prohibitive but other forms of traffic management were being considered to ease congestion and aid traffic flow.


In closing the Chair felt there would be merit in producing one overall strategic document detailing the vision for Rhyl and it was agreed to receive this document with the next progress report.  He also highlighted the need to develop objectives for the Town Centre and Live & Work elements as a matter of some urgency.


The committee commended the RGFM on his work and achievements to date in implementing Rhyl’s regeneration strategy.




(a)       the progress report on implementing the Rhyl Going Forward Regeneration Strategy be received and noted, and


(b)       a further progress report be received by the committee in July to include an overall strategic document detailing the long term vision for Rhyl.  [Tom Booty to action]



Supporting documents: