Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider a report by the Active Lifestyles Manager (copy enclosed) regarding the draft Play Sufficiency Assessment and action plan.

10.40 a.m.


Councillor Huw Jones, Lead Member for Tourism, Leisure and Youth introduced the Active Lifestyles Manager and Sports and Physical Activity Programme Manager and presented the draft Play Sufficiency Assessment and Action Plan (previously circulated).  The Welsh Government required all local authorities to undertake the assessment and develop an action plan setting out how they planned to provide play opportunities for children and address identified gaps in provision.


Details of the assessment had been provided including the individual areas considered and the extensive consultation with both internal and external partners.  Members’ attention was drawn to the key themes/priorities emerging from the assessment which had been included within the action plan to be addressed during the period 2013 – 2014 together with future plans for 2014 and beyond.


During debate members queried whether funding would be available from the Welsh Government (WG) to progress the action plan.  The Active Lifestyles Manager (ALM) explained that no indications had been given as to whether funding would be a provided and feedback was awaited following submission of the assessment last month.  The council had already committed funding from its own budget to progress the actions detailed in 2013 – 2014.


Members referred to play provision within their own communities and raised the following issues –


·         the lack of absence of play provision in some rural/countryside areas

·         difficulties associated with opening school playgrounds to the wider community (including pre-schoolers being unable to access provision during school hours and damage caused to playgrounds when used for particular activities such as football)

·         lack of play schemes/sportszone in operation across the county

·         the need for target marketing of play/sports schemes in order to publicise and promote events and increase take up rates

·         encouraging town/community councils to contribute financially to play/sports provision, and

·         the poor state of some play equipment and importance of maintenance.


The Corporate Director Communities referred to the merits of undertaking the assessment which provided a clearer picture for Denbighshire in terms of provision and identifying areas to be addressed.  The officers also responded to members comments as follows –


·         one of the actions within the plan specifically related to rural areas and play provision

·         highlighted the need for a co-ordinated approach between education, leisure and town/community councils to develop play within those towns/communities

·         reported upon current play/sports provision across the county and elaborated upon plans for future provision

·         agreed with target marketing of play events and referred to the success and popularity of the recent soft play sessions which had been promoted through family information services

·         maintenance of play equipment had been included within the audit.


The committee was supportive of the assessment and action plan and keen to hear the WG’s response thereto and whether the WG would be awarding funding to progress the identified actions.  Members were also keen to receive the revised action plan with a timeline for delivering actions.  Consequently it was –




(a)       subject to members’ comments above, the committee notes the content of the report and action plan and supports the commitment to Play Development in Denbighshire, and


(b)       an information report be submitted to the committee to include the Welsh Government’s response to the Play Sufficiency Assessment and action plan and whether any funding was being awarded by the Welsh Government together with a revised action plan to include agreed timescales for actions. [Jamie Groves / Sian Bennett / Rhian Roberts to action]


At this juncture (10.45 a.m.) the committee adjourned for a refreshment break.



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