Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider a report by the Head of Legal and Democratic Services (copy enclosed) seeking the committee’s views on the different roles that have been suggested be undertaken by Member Champions.

10.05 a.m.


The Head of Legal and Democratic Services (H:LD) submitted a report (previously circulated) seeking the committee’s views on the different roles that had been suggested be undertaken by Member Champions together with the process by which members should be appointed to any recommended roles.  Role descriptions for the current Champions identified within the constitution (Appendix 1); a survey of the appointment of Champions in other local authorities in Wales (Appendix 2), together with Lead Member Portfolios (Appendix 3) had been attached to the report.


In addition to the four Champion roles already identified in the constitution, the H:LD detailed other areas put forward for consideration by members – Young Persons’ Champion; Young Carers’ Champion, and Scrutiny Champion together with those suggested by outside bodies – Armed Forces Champion and Poverty Champion.  It was noted that nominations for the current Homelessness Champion role would be considered at the next meeting of Full Council.


Members considered the findings of the survey of other local authorities in Wales which had revealed a wide variation in the number and nature of Champions and the H:LD detailed both the common and differing areas for comparison and the reasoning behind those decisions.  The appointment of Champions also varied between councils and members were asked to consider the most appropriate method for Denbighshire.  In the past the Scrutiny Champion had been appointed by the Scrutiny Chairs and Vice Chairs Group.  The committee agreed to focus on Denbighshire’s requirements, if any, for specific Champions and noted at the outset that any decisions made could be reviewed as necessary.  In response to a question regarding the appointment of lay people as Champions the H:LD reported upon the difficulties and practicalities of such an arrangement, particularly in terms of accountability, and the requests for consideration of Champions for Armed Forces and Poverty had specifically requested councillor nominations.


The Chair sought the views of the Cabinet Members present and Councillor Barbara Smith felt that overall there was little merit in appointing Champions for areas in which Lead Members had responsibility.  She detailed the significant amount of work going on regarding welfare reform and did not consider that appointing a Poverty Champion would add value to that process.  However, she did support the role of an Older People’s Champion and reported upon the benefits and achievements as a result of that appointment.  Councillor Hugh Irving agreed with those views and reported upon his own involvement with welfare reform as part of his portfolio.  He added his support for a Homelessness Champion in view of the significant issues to be addressed.  Councillor Ray Bartley referred to his role as Learning Disabilities Champion highlighting the good work and achievements in that area in recent years and also paid tribute to former Councillor Christine Evans in her role as Homelessness Champion.  He proposed that Full Council appoint a Homelessness Champion as soon as possible. The H:LD confirmed that expressions of interest would be sought and a report submitted to the next meeting of Full Council with a view to appointing a Homelessness Champion.


The H:LD responded to members’ questions regarding the requirements to consider the appointment of Champions for particular areas.  In terms of governance the committee felt there was a need to ensure clarity and avoid confusion and duplication of roles.  It was felt that appointing Champions without a clearly identified need could also devalue their role and would add little value to the process.  The committee also highlighted the duty of all councillors in championing such important issues which should not be diluted by transferring specific responsibility to one individual. With that in mind it was agreed that where there was already a Lead Member with responsibility for a particular area the role of a Champion was generally unnecessary.  For areas falling outside specific remits and cross cutting services, or where there was an overriding need, members considered there may be some merit in appointing Champions and the committee reaffirmed their support for the four Champions currently identified in the constitution covering Older People, Homelessness, Carers and Learning Disabilities.  In terms of Champions for Poverty and Armed Forces members were content that there were already robust mechanisms in place for addressing those areas in terms of the significant work being undertaken around welfare reform and by endorsing the Armed Forces Community Covenant.  Consequently it was –




(a)       no additional Champion roles be recommended to Full Council at this time;


(b)       the most appropriate method of appointing Champions at Full Council be confirmed, and


 (c)       Full Council be recommended to appoint a Homelessness Champion at the earliest opportunity.


Supporting documents: