Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider a report by the Head of Adult and Business Services (copy attached) which provided an update on the capacity of the Adult Safeguarding Service to deal with a potential increase in referrals.

                                                                                                          9.35 a.m.




A copy of a report by the Head of Adult and Business Services, which provided an update on the capacity of the Adult Safeguarding Service to deal with a potential increase in referrals, had been circulated with the papers for the meeting.


The Head of Adult and Business Services introduced the report and highlighted the changes to the POVA workload in general with significant increases in the number of referrals.  A POVA assistant post had been established in 2010, which had a positive effect, but in general the current model of working had been unsustainable.


A task and finish group had been established in May, 2012 to consider models of working from across Wales and parts of England, recommendations from CSSIW Inspection of Adult Protection in Denbighshire March 2010, and the recommendations from the POVA audit in May, 2012.


Appendices accompanying the report detailed some of the key data for the protection of vulnerable adult work within Denbighshire from January, 2012 to January, 2013.   Details pertaining to the provision of training, performance indicator statistics, POVA procedure, and developments at national and local levels had also been included.  Appendix 7 detailed the Equality Impact Assessment undertaken on the model for the future management of adult safeguarding in the County.


Officers responded to the following concerns raised by Members:-


- Where possible leaflets distributed on behalf of the North Wales POVA Forum which contained an incorrect telephone number for Denbighshire residents to report alleged incidents had been recalled and the correct number imposed and also listed on their website.  The POVA Coordinator (PC) agreed to check if the leaflet had been included in the Carers pack circulated by the North East Wales Carers Information Service (NEWCIS) and provide a response for Councillor J.A. Davies. 

- Members were informed that training provision for care workers was monitored through the contract monitoring process, and that care agencies had a responsibility, through quality assurance, to ensure care workers were fit and suitable to undertake their duties.  It was explained that the process of monitoring care staff could not be exercised in the homes of service users without the service users’ permission.

- in response to a suggestion on whether a ‘secret shopper’ approach could be used as a tool for monitoring care provision the HABS said the Social Care Hub was currently exploring a similar method as a potential evaluation tool

- The care requirements assessment process included the production of care plans which would be submitted to the respective agency who would provide an appropriately trained care worker to undertake the duties identified.  

- Concerns were expressed that it had been alleged that 31% of paid carers had been the perpetrators of abuse during 2012/13.  Members were assured that reviews were undertaken regularly and on an annual risk assessment basis.

- Reference was made to need to make available, for information purposes, a record of assessments undertaken, the HABS explained that this information could be provided.

- Details of training provision and the monitoring process were outlined by the HABS.  He also highlighted the national training targets for care staff which included a safeguarding component.

- In reply to concerns expressed by Councillor E.A. Jones regarding the high number of abuse allegations withdrawn and the possibility that the threshold criteria had been set too high, the PC confirmed that risk assessments would be undertaken in these circumstances.  The HABS referred to the investigative process, the respective national guidelines and thresholds, and the rights of the individual service user to decline assistance.

- The HABS responded to concerns expressed by Members and provided details of the Council’s Whistleblowing Policy and the protection provided for whistleblowers.  The CDMW explained the Policy was being reviewed and that any staff with safeguarding concerns would be required to report them.  The final version of the Whistleblowing policy would be submitted to Council for approval and adoption.

-  In reply to a question regarding the percentage of alleged abuse related incidents in the learning disability sector, the PC advised that the number of incidents tended to be low, but she agreed to provide the relevant information to Councillor J.R. Bartley.


During the ensuing discussion the CD:MW confirmed that a meeting would be held with Councillors J.A. Davies, E A Jones and the HABS to discuss the concerns they had regarding domiciliary care monitoring arrangements.  It was agreed that a report on the implications of the Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Bill with respect to the safeguarding and protection of vulnerable adults be presented to the Committee at its next meeting, and that the report should also include the latest position regarding rota visits and details of the progress made in addressing the concerns raised with respect to domiciliary care monitoring.  The Committee:




(a)   to receive and note the contents of the report, subject to the issues raised by Members for discussion at the agreed meeting between Members and officers,

(b)    to acknowledge the importance of a corporate approach to the Protection of Vulnerable Adults and the Council’s responsibility to view this as a key priority area; and

(c)    that a report on the implications of the Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Bill with respect to safeguarding and the protection of vulnerable adults be presented to the Committee at its meeting on 25 April 2013, and that the report also include the latest position regarding rota visits and details of the progress made in addressing the concerns raised with respect to domiciliary care monitoring.


Supporting documents: