Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider a report by the Head of Adult and Business Services (copy attached) which detailed the extent of external care provision commissioned in Denbighshire County Council and the ways in which the quality of that care is monitored.

                                                                                                          10.55 a.m.


A copy of a report by the Head of Adult and Business Services, which detailed the extent of external care provision commissioned in Denbighshire County Council and the ways in which the quality of that care is monitored, had been circulated with the papers for the meeting.


The Head of Adult and Business Services (HABS) introduced the report which assessed the quality and value of independent social care provision for service users in Denbighshire.  It detailed the balance between external and internal provision and Appendix 1 detailed the percentage of internal and external care provision. 


He explained that monitoring the quality of the service provided had changed and work continued on developing and agreeing a regional process.  The process followed to monitor quality in Denbighshire had been summarised in the report and all contact with providers was utilised to inform contract monitoring.  The process of contract monitoring visits was outlined and it was confirmed that Domiciliary Care monitoring was now being developed.  It was explained that proactive contract monitoring visits were planned to start before the end of the financial year.  In response to concerns raised by Members it was explained that a new electronic system of recording Contract and quality issues had been implemented to ensure that up to date information was readily available to officers as queries were received. 


Confirmation was provided by the HABS that consideration would be afforded to the opinions and choice of the Service Users.  If the quality of provision standards, or CSSIW regulatory requirements, were not met partnership working to improve the quality of service provision would be implemented as specified in the Welsh Government (WG) guidance in respect of partnership working with providers.


The HABS explained that as the number of care home placements reduced, with more people choosing to remain in their homes the viability of care homes would be threatened.  Home closures had impacted on the workload of the team who monitored the process and ensured safe transfers to other care homes in accordance with WG Guidance.  The Reviewing Team would be developed in 2013/14 which would involve Community Care Officers and Contract Officers working together to review care needs and monitor quality provision for all categories of care.   Regional work on contracts and service specifications would continue to impact on the way in which contracts were monitored.  Details of the consultation process adopted and measures introduced to reduce any risks had been included in the report.


In response to concerns raised regarding the self-assessment process and the importance of ensuring robust monitoring procedures, the Service Manager: Business and Carers (SM:BC) outlined the monitoring processes adopted by Denbighshire, which sought to collate all the relevant information available to assess the level and standard of service provision provided, the examination of CSSIW reports and the action taken through the contract review process to address any identified anomalies.  It was confirmed that if providers failed to meet required standards a temporary suspension would be placed on all new cases and existing service users would be reviewed to ensure that their needs were being met.


In reply to a question the SM:BC provided details of the training available for both local authority and independent sector staff.  She also responded to concerns raised and explained that it was not always practicable or possible for the same carer to attend to or undertake visits to an individual service user on a regular basis.  However, the SM:BC agreed that it would be useful for all councillors to be advised on how to bring any concerns they may have with respect to the quality and level of care provided to residents in their wards by individuals or care providers to officers’ attention.


Following further discussion, it was:-


RESOLVED – that the Committee:-


(a)          subject to the above observations, receive and note the contents of the report, and

(b)          support the Service in its partnership working with the Independent Sector Care Providers.



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