Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider a report by the Joint Head of Highways and Infrastructure (copy enclosed) which detailed the preparation for the 2012/2013 Winter Maintenance Programme.

                                                                                                         10.10 a.m.



A copy of report by the Joint Head of Highways and Infrastructure, which detailed the preparation for the 2012/2013 Winter Maintenance Programme, provided information regarding the delivery of safer routes for the County’s residents and on keeping the County open for business during adverse weather conditions, had been circulated with the papers for the meeting.


The Section Manager–Network Management provided a detailed summary of the report which included issues pertaining to the following key areas and issues:-


-  No changes made to the Council’s approach in preparing for winter maintenance.

-  The retention of the services of Agricultural Contractors.

-  Salt stocks levels at                       Depots at Bodelwyddan,                  Corwen and Ruthin

-  Arrangements for salt heaping and salt bin replenishment.

-  Rota arrangements for forecasting and supervision.

- Details of the communication strategy developed in conjunction with the Public Relations Team and Customer Services.

-  Contingency    arrangements with officers and staff in both Countryside Services and             Public Realm.


            The officers informed the Committee that they were confident that satisfactory winter maintenance arrangements were in place, and that there was a significant budget allocated to ensure that the service could properly cope with adverse weather.  There was also a separate contingency for any particularly severe problems although this had not been drawn on in recent years.


The provision of the Winter Maintenance service was a Statutory requirement under Section 41(1A) of the Highways Act 1980 as amended by Section 111 Railways and Transport Safety Act 2003.  The extent of the requirement to meet the duty had been a matter of debate.  However, it had been accepted that the Council’s published gritting routes provided at least the minimum provision expected.  Additional provision would depend on the availability of resource and regular discussions were held with stakeholders to ascertain the best approach to be adopted.


- In response to a question from Councillor R.M. Murray, it was explained that the recommendation in the code of practice states that vehicles should not exceed 30 mph while gritting.  He confirmed that the vehicles were calibrated and fitted with trackers, and that there were various settings for spreading in relation to road widths.   


- The Joint Head of Highways and infrastructure outlined the Authority’s Statutory Duty to treat adopted roads.  It was explained that other Directorates, such as Lifelong Learning and social Services, had made arrangements in respect of their own services and properties, however, a contingency plan was in place to deal with emergencies.

- An outline of the salt stock levels within the County, as required by the Welsh Government, was provided by the officers.  The officers assured Members that, unless there were extreme weather conditions resulting in a national shortage of salt supplies, they were confident that there would be sufficient supplies in Denbighshire.

- It was confirmed that two small gritting machines had been purchased to treat areas within the Towns.

- Details of legislation relating to drivers working hours, and work rota’s for drivers, was provided by the Section Manager–Network Management.   It was agreed that further details pertaining the agreement with Unions in respect of drivers’ hours could be provided.

- Members were informed that private contractors could be utilised for winter maintenance purposes if required.

- It was confirmed that there would be a charge to replenish salt stocks in salt bins on school sites.

- Pavements in towns, such as those in shopping areas, would be treated following the completion of work on the main arterial network which would receive priority.

- With regard to the treatment of roads leading to homes for the elderly, unadopted roads, car parks and pavements in towns, the Section Manager–Network Management confirmed that Public Realm staff would be utilised to assist with snow clearance and the spreading of salt and grit when available.  He outlined the difficulties which could be encountered in providing winter maintenance services to areas outside the designated responsibility of the Authority.  The Joint Head of Highways and Infrastructure confirmed that officers would liaise with Social Services to ensure that there was sufficient contingency for dealing with winter weather weather around housing developments for the elderly and vulnerable groups.

- The schedule for gritting and winter maintenance would be made available and included on the web-site when finalised.

- Members were informed that if the situation arose where salt placed in salt bins or salt heaps was being misused then the appropriate action would be taken, such as the addition of coloring to salt supplies.

- Confirmation was provided that a Denbighshire emergency telephone number was available.


During the ensuing discussion, it was agreed that clarification be provided outlining details of the areas of responsibility for winter maintenance with regard to the respective Directorates.  The Joint Head of Highways and Infrastructure confirmed that there would be a focus on the priorities emanating from the adopted highway network and other areas raised would be referred to SLT for consideration.


RESOLVED – that the Communities Scrutiny Committee:-


(a)                                         agrees that the Winter Maintenance preparations were sufficient for the winter conditions anticipated.

(b)                                         confirms that the contingency arrangements for more severe conditions were also adequate, and

(c)                                          request that clarification be provided outlining details of the areas of responsibility for winter maintenance with regard to the respective Directorates.


Supporting documents: