Agenda item

Agenda item


To receive a presentation from Louise Woodfine (BCU), and Tom Porter PHW (copy attached).



Louise Woodfine (BCUHB) introduced the Healthy Travel Charter and next steps.


It had been signed up by Regional Leadership Board and this was about getting PSB’s across the North Wales Health Travel Charter and learning from others across North Wales.  Dr. Tom Porter, Consultant in Public Health Medicine, Cardiff and Vale University Health Board was in attendance to give a presentation on shared learning and impact.   Iona Hughes, NRW was also in attendance to assist with the presentation.


Bus and coach travel had declined over the past 50/60 years but the use of cars had increased.   The impact of this was significant as affected climate change, road traffic injuries and deaths.  Most children were killed if hit by a car.  Air pollution meant life expectancy would be reduced by 7 months.  There was high air pollution in deprived areas.  Climate change was the biggest risk to humanity.


Next steps required across society =

·         Reduce pollution

·         Support active travel

·         Protect green space

·         Infrastructures needed to be put in place.

·         Changes to the Highway Code over the last couple of years gave access to pedestrians for side street right of way rather than cars having the right of way.

·         Segregated cycle structure.

·         Exclusion of cars on school streets when dropping off and picking up at schools

·         Provision of a reliable public transport system which would be affordable and also utilise non-diesel buses.


Supportive Policy and legislation in Wales bringing buses back under francise.  Everyone needed to act to improve healthy travel.


Healthy Travel Charter had14 teams over 3 years.  it was co-produced but was part of a wider set of actions rolling out Healthy Travel Charter and to have it in every area of Wales.  Hoping to cover the whole of Wales by the summer.


Covid had impacted on the healthy travel as had with a lot of other parts of life.


It was suggested the information be taken back to all organisations to request they sign up to the Charter.  Leads/Co-ordinators would need to be identified and to keep track on progress.  Members agreed to provide details of a point of contact from their organisation, that the Charter can liaise with for this work. 


It was suggested the information be taken back to all organisations to request they sign up to the Charter.


Leads/Co-ordinators would need to be identified and to keep track on progress.


NRW cover the whole of Wales.  NRW signed up to Cardiff, Vale of Glamorgan and Gwent.


Looking at how to implement the Charter, carry out baseline assessment.  Management commitment would be required from Area Managers.


NRW have a national internal Active and Sustainable Travel Group which meets quarterly.  There are a range of Champions in organisations but need more throughout North Wales.


There was an intranet page on NRW which showed travel and what was offered to staff.  The organisation supported flexible working and provided flexible working options wherever possible.  Each member of staff had an agile working policy and staff were still being productive and achieving workloads. 


To assist employees, annual season tickets for transport for Wales were available, and bike discounts.  Each office had information how people could get there by train or bus and what bike facilities were available if wanted to cycle to the office.  Facilities were being provided to encourage staff to active travel.   NRW were committed to be a cycle friendly employer with one office or hub each year to be part of that.


Denbighshire County Council officers confirmed what had been discussed, Denbighshire were already doing and signing up to the Charter would not be an issue.


There was a lot which needed to take place a complex system for travel areas of the Charter.  There would be a level 2 Charter for those organisations who were already doing a lot of what had been discussed already.


It was confirmed that contact with the VSC’s had taken place for them to look at the Charter and they stated it would be difficult for them to sign up to the Charter.  A lot of organisations would have limited resources and capacity so may be difficult to sign up.


RESOLVED that Conwy and Denbighshire Public Services Board note the Healthy Travel report.


Supporting documents: