Agenda item
To consider a report by the Chief Internal Auditor (copy enclosed) updating members on Internal Audit progress.
The Lead Member for Finance, Performance and
Strategic Assets along with the Chief Internal Auditor (CIA) introduced the
report (previously circulated). Members were updated on the Internal Audit
Team’s progress in terms of its service delivery, assurance provision, reviews
completed, performance and effectiveness in driving improvement.
The report provided information on work carried out by Internal
Audit since the last committee meeting. It allowed the committee to monitor
Internal Audit’s performance and progress as well as providing summaries of
Internal Audit
Confirmation that 4 Audits had been completed since the last
committee meeting in July 2023, all four audits had received a high assurance
rating. The number of completed audits was lower than usual due to a number of
special investigations taking place at the same time. since publication of the
agenda 3 further audits had been completed.
The Chief Internal Auditor was pleased to say the audit
department was now at full capacity. The team was still in it’s infancy with a
number of employees on career pathways. The Chief Internal Auditor was pleased
with the work the team were producing.
Over the coming months it was stressed Internal Audit would
need to work closely with Heads of Service and Head of Finance to assess how
audit go forward and complete audits. Assurance would need to be provided to ensure
members are aware that any cuts are being met in line of budget proposals to
enable the accounts to balance.
The Chair thanked the Chief Internal Officer for the detailed
During the discussion –
Work was ongoing to complete the 2023/24
programmed audit work. The Chief Internal Auditor had to review the list of
proposed work to prioritise audits that were required this financial year and
those that could be deferred or not required. Meetings with Heads of Service
would be arranged following the new plan being completed.
Capacity of the team and workload of
the team was currently at a satisfactory level. In the new financial year, the
plan would potentially change to ensure all cuts are reviewed to provide committee
assurance that the service area was still providing need.
The special investigations process
involves numerous officers including the Monitoring Officer and Chief Internal
Auditor reviewing each case and decide the best course of action. Not all special
investigations are reviewed by internal audit.
A previous piece of work on partnership
arrangements in Denbighshire would be reviewed and included in the new
financial year. Members asked if the paper was more a mapping exercise to illustrate
the key governance responsibilities and where they lie.
The Chief Internal Auditor confirmed he
would present the outcomes of the special investigations as a confidential
report following completion of the investigation.
All audit reports completed in schools
were shared with the Head of Education. Internal Audit look at schools per
cluster and if they were made aware of any trends further discussions with
relevant officers would take place. He informed
Members he was due to meet with the Chairs and Vice Chairs of Governing Bodies
in the new year.
Over the summer the internal audit
team, contacted each school that had received an audit since January 2020, to review
any outstanding actions. Officers with services ensured verto
had been updated correctly against any outstanding actions or highlight any actions
still needing completion. Further correspondence and discussions with schools
would take place if actions remained outstanding.
Members were made aware internal audit
offered issues, each service designed the actions.
RESOLVED that, members note the Internal Audit’s progress
and performance.
Supporting documents:
- Council & Committee Report Template - Internal Audit Update - November 2023, item 8. PDF 140 KB
- Appendix 1 - Internal Audit Update Nov 2023, item 8. PDF 587 KB