Agenda item
To consider an application for erection of 45 dwellings, construction of a new vehicular access, landscaping and associated works at Land at Midnant Farm, Gronant Road, Prestatyn (copy attached).
An application was
submitted for the erection of 45 dwellings, construction of a new vehicular
access, landscaping and associated works at Land at Midnant Farm Gronant Road
Public Speaker –
Stuart Andrew
(applicant) (for) - I'm the Design and Planning director at Castle Green Homes
with the Applicant at submission for residential development at the allocated
residential site at Midland Farm Gronant Road Prestatyn. The site was allocated
for housing by the County from its LDP in 2013.
The allocation for
the site was for 65 dwellings; However, this application was for only 45 homes,
which we consider a more suitable number for this site in terms of the site and
its density; 10% of the dwellings that would be built to be affordable by the
Council's adopted policy.
The housing
proposed includes a mix of two, three and four-bed properties, which the
Council Strategic Housing and Policy Officer has accepted. The site is expected
to have public open space of just over 1/3 of an acre, and the existing mature
landscaping will be retained to separate the site from the surrounding housing
to the West and around the site. The other boundaries would also be retained.
In addition, financial contributions have been secured through a Section 106
agreement that has been agreed in principle with council officers, which
includes around £68,000 for off-site affordable housing, around £45,000 for
existing public open space areas and sports facilities, and £40,000 for local
primary school education facilities. It was the second time this application
has been presented, following a deferral in September due to a late
consultation response from Welsh Water regarding concerns they had regarding
the local final drainage capacity. However, this matter has now been resolved,
and the development of this scheme will deliver a net benefit to the local foul
drainage network, reducing the overall loading of the system. Welsh Water has
removed the request for information planning conditions based on our
Other necessary
statutory consultees and council officers have reviewed our proposals. There
have been no technical objections to the approval of the scheme, and the
council officers have concluded that the application meets all policy
requirements and creates no adverse impact on the existing local visual or
residential amenities. The report recommends that planning permission be
granted, and we hope that you agree with this view. We appreciate your
General Debate –
Councillor Andrea
Tomlin (local member) informed the committee the application had been out thoroughly
assessed for roughly twelve months; there had been no local objection; however,
some other concerns were raised, and these had all been addressed through the
planning process. The main concerns were drainage, pavements, and roads;
however, these issues could be addressed separately. Councillor Tomlin highlighted
the wealth of local knowledge and urged the applicant to work as closely with
the local community whilst developing as possible. Concerns were raised by the
town council regarding the farmhouse, which was located at the site. However,
following a review, the farmhouse has been found not to be of any structural or
historical importance.
Councillor Gareth
Sandilands echoed the importance of communication, which Councillor Tomlin had
outlined; he suggested that photos be taken of the farmhouse and the surrounding
area to ensure that people could remember what was at the site before any
Members raised
whether the AONB had raised any concerns about the site. Responding officers
clarified that the site wasn’t in the AONB.
Proposal – Councillor Andrea Tomlin proposed the
application be granted in accordance with officer recommendations, seconded by
Councillor Gareth Sandilands
Vote –
For – 19
Against – 0
Abstain – 0
RESOLVED that the planning application be GRANTED in
accordance with officer recommendation.
Supporting documents: