Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider a report by the Joint Head of Highways and Infrastructure (copy enclosed) which detailed progress with the highways maintenance programme, and outlined the mechanism and potential funding streams for large scale infrastructure investment within Denbighshire.

                                                                                                         10.55 a.m.


A copy of report by the Joint Head of Highways and Infrastructure, which detailed the progress to date with the highways maintenance programme and outlined the mechanism and potential funding streams for large scale infrastructure investment within Denbighshire, had been circulated with the papers for the meeting.  An information report which detailed the mechanism and potential funding streams for large scale infrastructure investment within Denbighshire had been included as Appendix 1.


The Section Manager–Network Management explained that work had commenced on the draft programme for next year and he would be attending Area Group meetings to discuss the proposals.  The Chair informed Members that the Strategic Investment Group had recently considered a report on Welsh Government investment and funding with regard to highways, and requested a consistent risk assessment across the highways infrastructure to enable the prioritisation of expenditure.


The report detailed progress of the 2012/13 Capital Maintenance programme.  Improving the condition of roads remained a priority and Denbighshire had committed £1,400,000 in 2012/2013, with the specific intention of targeting the County roads which had been the subject of complaints or potential risks.  There had been an allocation of £2,022,000, Welsh Government Local Government Borrowing Initiative (LGBI) funding, and this had been focused mainly on the A and B roads within the County.  The entire programme had been linked to addressing specific issues identified as part of the more technical surveys such as SCRIM, an assessment of skidding resistance.


The resurfacing programme had been split into three main categories of traditional bituminous resurfacing, microasphalt and Surface Dressing.  Details of the schemes, together with, programmed works and schemes currently being undertaken, had been summarised in the report.  Over the remaining months of the financial year approximately twelve remaining schemes had been scheduled into the programme which was currently within budget. 


Bad weather had hampered work on some of the bridges and this work would now be deferred into 2013/14.  Details of work progressed and schemes completed within the current financial year had been outlined in the report, together with, the inclusion of a list of bridge strengthening and refurbishment works.


In reply to questions from Members, it was explained that the 2013/14 Capital Maintenance Programme would be finalised by January, 2013.  Work would be funded jointly between the LGBI and Denbighshire’s own resources, at present funding had been estimated at around £3.5 million for the overall programme, which included bridges and street lighting.  A detailed programme would be required for submission to the Welsh Government by December, 2012 and this would be communicated to all elected Members, Town and Community Councils and put on the website.  The report outlined the consultation process adopted and highlighted the main associated risks.  It was confirmed that the review cycle period for work undertaken on highways could now be identified following long term financial commitment.


Councillor R.M. Murray referred to problems relating to resurfacing work undertaken on the Coast Road between Rhyl and Prestatyn.  He also expressed his appreciation for the work undertaken by the Group Manager: Change Programme, Business Support and Tourism in his supervisory role.  The Section Manager–Network Management provided details of the work undertaken and the supervisory role of the Council.  He confirmed that any failures relating to the standard or quality of work would be addressed by the contractor under the warranty and he agreed to examine the areas of concern raised by Members. 


In reply to concerns raised by Councillor W. Mullen-James, it was explained that repair and improvement works relating to the condition of the road surface on the A 547 between Rhuddlan and Abergele would require significant investment.  The costs incurred in cleaning mud deposited on the highway, which renders them in a dangerous condition, could be charged to the perpetrator if they do not undertake the work themselves.  With regard to the issue of clearing leaves from the highway, the need to strike a balance between safety and expenditure would be significant.


In response to a question from Councillor J. Welch, the Section Manager–Network Management explained that a two year programme of scheduled highway improvements was currently being developed in line with the Welsh Government funding through the local government borrowing initiative. The Joint Head of Highways and Infrastructure highlighted the need for caution when producing a draft programme of work.  He stressed the need to balance the ability to deliver against expectancy levels, and ensure the delivery of services in line with the resources available.


The Section Manager–Network Management replied to concerns raised by Councillor C.H. Williams and explained that it was anticipated that scour works on bridges, not undertaken in the summer due to high water levels, would be undertaken next summer if water levels permitted.  Details of the gully emptying schedule were outlined for Members.


The Chair summarised the areas of concern and issues raised by Members which included the:-


-                                              clearance of mud deposited on highways, particularly farm and field entrances.

-                                              carry over plan for the undertaking of bridge works.

-                                              production of a 2 year forward work programme plan, with an outline of the background and history to be presented to the Area Member Groups.

-                                              management of expectations of the highway maintenance work programme, including communication, particular reference to Town and Community Councils.


The Section Manager: Traffic Transportation referred to Appendix 1 to the report and explained that the TAITH North Wales Regional Transport Plan (RTP) was the mechanism for the identification, development and delivery of major transport infrastructure schemes.  It included the six North Wales Local Authorities with Denbighshire being represented by the Lead Member for Public Realm and the Chair of the Communities Scrutiny Committee.


The RTP transport policy objectives and priorities aligned with the objectives in the Wales Transport Strategy.  Associated with the RTP was the annual capital funding from the Welsh Government which was termed Regional Transport Consortia Grant (RTCG).  TAITH collated bids for RTCG from the six authorities as part of an annual bidding process, together with bids for Region-wide projects.  All projects receiving RTCG would be included in the RTP programme and each project independently assessed to check compliance with the RTP transport policy objectives and priorities.  Projects not meeting the transport policy would not be included in the programme.  Approximately £4.5 million of RTCG would be available for the TAITH region per annum, although this could be reduced to under £4.0 million the next two years.  Details of Denbighshire projects funded from the RTCG in recent years had been included in the report.  It was confirmed that there had been examples where the Welsh Government had funded relief road projects.  Only 18 months of the current 5 year programme remained and preparations would need to be made for the next 5 year programme which would commence in 2014.  Details of the consultation process with Members was outlined


Members were informed that Taith provided an important source of funding for the Council and this would become more prevalent as regional working increased.  The importance of ensuring their benefit was maximised was highlighted.  Any projects funded by the Regional Transport Consortia Grant would be subject to a robust project management methodology to ensure any risks associated with an individual project were managed appropriately.


The officers provided the following responses to issues and matters raised by Members:-


- Details of capital funding, maintenance and future up keep costs for cycle paths were outlined by the Section Manager: Traffic Transportation.

- There were currently no plans pertaining to the Lower Denbigh Road from St Asaph to Denbigh.  However, the views of Members would be sought through the consultation process with regard to the preparations for the forthcoming 5 year plan.

- It was explained that it was the intention to extend the Vale of Clwyd Cycle Way through to Ruthin, which would provide a link to the North and South of the Colomendy Business Park.

- Discussions had taken place with the Strategic Directors in Conwy County Borough Council regarding the clearance of sand from the cycle path on the Conwy side of the Harbour development.  It was confirmed that consideration had been given to the provision of screening and discussions in respect of this matter were on going.  It was agreed that a progress report be provided in respect of this matter.

- With regard to the forthcoming Eisteddfod to be held in Denbigh, it was confirmed that liaison meetings of the Strategic Group, chaired by the Corporate Director: Customers, had been held to consider access arrangements.  Sub-Groups had been set up which included the Safety Advisory Group which incorporated areas relating to Emergency Planning and Traffic Plan arrangements.      


Following further discussion, it was:-


RESOLVED – that the Communities Scrutiny Committee notes the:-


(a)                                      contents of the report and Appendix 1.

(b)                                      progress to date and confirms the proposed strategy for going forward.

(c)                                       involvement of the Council in the strategic infrastructure development, and

(d)                                      issues and areas of concern raised by Members and agrees the actions highlighted.


Supporting documents: