Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider a report by the Planning Policy Officer (copy enclosed) on the Consultation of the World Heritage Site Supplementary Planning Guidance document.


A copy of a report by the Head of Planning, Regeneration and Regulatory Services, on the consultation of the World Heritage Site Supplementary Planning Guidance (WHS SPG) document, had been circulated with the papers for the meeting.


The Lead Member for Tourism, Leisure and Youth, Councillor H.L. Jones, provided a detailed summary of the report and explained that Denbighshire had published a series of SPG Notes, with the aim of further explaining policies in the Unitary Development Plan (UDP).  The Pontcysyllte Aqueduct and Canal WHS SPG Note also aimed to amplify Local Development Plan (LDP) policies, should the plan be considered 'sound' by the Planning Inspectorate and formally adopted to replace the UDP.


A decision had been sought on whether to formally adopt the WHS SPG to enable its use as a material consideration when determining planning applications.  The WHS SPG would assist the public, developers, Town and Community Councils, Councillors, and officers understand the implications pertaining to development undertaken in the WHS and its surrounding 'Buffer Zone'.


The Planning Policy Manager explained that the WHS and Buffer Zone had been decided, and subsequently designated, in 2009 and could not be changed.  Since 2009, the impact development would have on the WHS with the Buffer Zone having been a material consideration when determining planning applications.  It had not affected which developments could be undertaken without planning permission, or introduce the need for Design and Access Statements which had been a national requirement introduced in 2009.


The Pontcysyllte Aqueduct and Canal had achieved World Heritage Site status from the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) in June 2009, following recognition of its 'Outstanding Universal Value' significant to the whole of humanity.  The 'Buffer Zone' had been established to define the surrounding areas which contributed to the ‘Outstanding Universal Value’ of the World Heritage Site.


In response to observations by Councillor T.R. Hughes regarding the significance of the Pontcysyllte Aqueduct to the WHS SPG, it was emphasised that the bid had been extended to include the Canal and the Horseshoe Falls to embrace their attributes towards the Aqueduct.


It was confirmed that the WHS SPG had been jointly prepared by Wrexham County Borough Council, Denbighshire County Council and Shropshire Council.  The objective of the Local Planning Authorities responsible for protecting the World Heritage Site had been to manage development in a positive way which supported the vision outlined in the Management Plan.


The content of the draft SPG and the scope and intention to undertake public consultation had been agreed at Planning Committee in August 2011.  Issues arising from the 10 responses received from the consultation process, which extended from the 26th September to 16th December 2011, had been summarised in the report.  Detailed consultation responses had been summarised and included in Appendix 1, and these also contained reference of any subsequent amendments to the WHS SPG.  In response to a suggestion from Llangollen Town Council, an informal WHS application checklist had been drafted for applicants and this had been included as Appendix 2.  A summary of the key changes to the document had been incorporated in the report and a final copy of the WHS SPG had been included as Appendix 3.


Llangollen Ward Members expressed concerns that the WHS and the associated buffer zone would introduce and impose development and planning restrictions not applicable in other areas of the County.  It was also felt it would impede economic development for the local area and community, which could discourage investment and in turn reduce employment prospects in the Dee Valley.  The Planning Policy Officer explained that the WHS SPG would not introduce any new requirements, seek to prevent or rule out the principle of development in the area, but would seek to increase the quality of development and enhance the area.  Councillor S.A. Davies expressed concern regarding the criteria for Membership to the Joint Advisory Committee of the AONB.


In the absence of an adopted WHS SPG there would be potential for developers and applicants to misunderstand the requirements for planning applications in the qualifying area.  This would result in the Council failing in its responsibility to deliver the UNESCO required document, and in its commitments already signed up to in the WHS Management Plan. 


The Planning Policy Manager explained that the officer Steering Group currently responsible for overseeing the World Heritage Site Management Plan would be reviewed and confirmed that Member involvement in the Group would be crucial.  Members supported this view and agreed that the Steering Group include elected Member representation from each of the relevant Authorities.


In reply to a question from Councillor M.Ll. Davies, confirmation was provided that the Local Access Forums of Denbighshire and Wrexham had been consulted as part of policy development.


Councillor M.L. Holland highlighted the need to improve timescales in respect of the planning process with a view to improving employment prospects.   The Planning Policy Officer explained that the Welsh Government were currently reviewing the planning process by encouraging pre-application discussions, and reviewing Chapter 7 of Planning Policy Wales in order to ensure that the economic benefits of planning applications were fully considered.


Following further discussion, it was:-




(a)      Council formally adopts the World Heritage Site Supplementary Planning Guidance to be used to inform the determination of planning applications, and

(b)      the Steering Group to oversee the World Heritage Site Management Plan should include elected Member representation from each of the relevant Authorities.


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