Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider a report by Councillor H.H. Evans, Leader and Lead Member for Economic Development (copy enclosed) which provides details of the West Rhyl Housing Improvement Project (WRHIP).


Councillor H.H. Evans presented the report which provided details of the West Rhyl Housing Improvement Project (WRHIP), originally presented to Cabinet Briefing on 5th December, 2011.


Funding had been allocated by Welsh Government (WG) to deliver the Project, with no requirement for capital funding from Denbighshire, and Cabinet consideration of the project was required in line with Financial Regulations and Project Management Methodology.


The following details relating to the WRHIP had been provided in the report:-


Appendix 1 – Project Brief – West Rhyl Housing Improvement Project.

Appendix 2 – WRHIP Block Plan.

Appendix 3 – Artist’s Impression of Green Space.


Members were informed that the funding source in respect of WG–NWCRA for 2013/14 should be £1,647,000 and not £1,747,000 as stated in the table in the report.


The WRHIP was a continuation of the work already ongoing in West Rhyl under the North Wales Coast Strategic Regeneration Area (NWCRA) and a significant number of properties required for the delivery of the project had already been acquired with WG funding.  Details pertaining to the Green Space, Acquisition Programme, type of housing to be created, Delivery Programme, Project Management and Governance Arrangements had been detailed in the report.  An outline programme for the delivery of the individual blocks had been circulated and Appendix 4 included the WRHIP Programme Plan.  A Project Board had been established and the draft Terms of Reference, including details of membership, had been included in Appendix 5.  The Rhyl Going Forward Programme Manager informed Cabinet that a draft Supplementary Planning Guidance had now been produced for the area, which would provide the policy framework for any possible CPO enquiry, and this would be considered by the Planning Committee with a view to being submitted for formal consultation.


The overall responsibilities of the WRHIP Board for the delivery of the project had been highlighted in the report.  It was explained that addressing the long-standing issues in the area would help to create a more positive impression of the town overall and thereby have more far-reaching regeneration benefits.  By creating a more balanced community and housing market the project would reduce deprivation in the area and this had been one of the key outcomes of the priority.  It would also boost private sector confidence in Rhyl and stimulate further private sector investment and confidence by creating new jobs and business opportunities.


The project would directly impact on the priority outcome of “offering a range of types and forms of meet the needs of individuals and families”.  The costs extracted from Appendix 1, Project Brief – West Rhyl Housing Improvement Project, had been detailed in the report.  However, it was confirmed that funding for 2014/15 had not yet been received from the NWCRA.


The table included in the report illustrated the funding for the WRHIP would be provided by WG from a combination of Centrally Retained Capital Fund and funding from the North Wales Coast Strategic Regeneration Area (NWCRA).  The funding had been allocated specifically for the project and was not available to be spent outside Rhyl or on an alternative project.


The following responses were provided to concerns expressed and questions submitted:-


- The Rhyl Going Forward Project Manager explained that the new build would be designed and constructed to be as adaptable as possible, therefore accommodation could be adapted to meet the requirements of older persons.


- It was explained that there had been no proposal to provide extra care housing within the project, however, provision could be considered on the site at West Parade.


- With regard to the governance arrangements for the West Rhyl Housing Improvement Project Board.  At present the Leader of the Council represented Denbighshire on the Board as both Lead Member for Regeneration and Leader of the Council.  Cabinet discussed the membership arrangements and agreed to recommend the appointment of the Lead Member for Customers and Community to represent Denbighshire as well as the Leader.


The Chief Executive outlined the importance of the Project which would have the potential to transform the locality and have a significant effect on the large number of residents in the area.  He explained that an offer by Denbighshire to manage the project, which was in the ownership of the Welsh Government, had been declined.  He explained that as minor, but important, partners Denbighshire would only have a partial view of the proceedings and it would be important to note in terms of the management of the project.  The Chief Executive also referred to Block 1, the Urban Park, which entailed the transformation of the area into a green area.  He expressed concern that the post-project delivery could have revenue implication in relation to maintenance of the green space, and this would be an issue which would need to be addressed with the developers as the possible options and responsibilities would be a key element in the design and planning process.


RESOLVED:- that Cabinet:-


(a)   recommends the project to Council for approval.

(b)   approves Denbighshire’s involvement in the Board with regard to membership, and endorses the Terms of Reference as in Appendix 5, and

(c)   recommends the appointment of the Lead Member for Customers and Community to the West Rhyl Housing Improvement Project Board.


Supporting documents: