Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider a report by the Rhyl Going Forward Programme Manager (copy enclosed) which outlines the progress in terms of implementing the Workstream, including any slippages against the timescales and budget.  Its financial implications, and the progress or prospects in terms of benefits realisation.

                                                                                                       11.55 a.m.


A copy of a report by the Rhyl Going Forward Programme Manager, which provided an update on the implementation of the Tourism & Coastal Strip Workstream of the Rhyl Going Forward (RGF) Regeneration Strategy, its financial implications and the progress or prospects in terms of benefits realisation, had been circulated with the papers for the meeting.


The Coastal Strip from the Foryd Harbour to Splash Point had long been the focus for tourist related activity in Rhyl.  The approach would be to build on Rhyl’s reputation as a family resort and details of the future proposals and short-term focus were outlined for the Committee.  Progress with the workstream was monitored by the RGF Neighbourhoods and Places Programme Board.


Reference was made in the report and associated appendices to the key projects which were part of this workstream.  These being:

·        Apollo Cinema refurbishment.

·        Rhyl Coastal Defence Works.

·        Foryd Harbour & Bridge – which included a pedestrian and cycle bridge, public square with quayside building and new quay walls.

·        Honey Club Refurbishment.

·        Ocean Plaza.

·        Rhyl Sky Tower.

·        Other projects and activities.

·        Future Plans


This workstream would contribute to the proposed new Corporate Priority of Developing the Local Economy and Our Communities, the main aim of the programme being to increase visitor numbers, and create more business opportunities and jobs in the tourism sector.  The Tourism workstream did not have a dedicated budget with funding being allocated to specific projects, in the main utilising external funding sources, and this was monitored on a project by project basis.  Regular input and engagement into the regeneration plans were being received from Leisure Services, Public Realm, Property Services and Planning.


The Committee was informed that to create a stronger tourist economy and address the negative image of Rhyl a number of issues and risks, outlined in the report, would need to be recognised and addressed.


Reference was made to the report included as Appendix 4, which provided information on the current position and future of the Rhyl Sky Tower.  The RGFPM provided a summary of the report and Members discussed the three main options for consideration which included:-


Option 1 - Refurbish and reinstate as a ride.

Option 2 - Dismantle and remove.

Option 3 - Retain structure for a new use.


The tower structure was sound which provided an option to retain it.  Option 3, to retain the structure for a new use, was the preferred Option recommended by the officers in the report, and it had been anticipated that this would form the basis of a report to Cabinet in October 2012.  The Rhyl Member Area Group (MAG) had been requested to indicate which of the detailed options, or alternative options, they considered to be the most appropriate for the tower.  Councillor W. Mullen–James conveyed the views expressed by the Rhyl MAG, at its meeting the previous evening, and explained that the MAG was in favour of Option 1.


The following matters were discussed regarding the future options for the tower:-


·        The proposed financial implications for restoring the tower as a working ride       could not be justified as it would be difficult to formulate a business case for this option

·        Alternative uses for the tower should be explored and options sought to obtain sponsorship deals

·        The views of the residents in Rhyl should be sought regarding the tower’s future use.

·        Consideration should be given to advertising for the supply of a privately operated big wheel ride, possibly sited near the Marine Lake, as sited at other tourist attractions and locations

·        The need to examine the wider options regarding the future of the tower and how they would be encompassed in the RGF Plan.


The Leader highlighted the importance of providing clarification in terms of the approach, purpose and aims of the RGF Strategy, and also the role of the Programme Board and its remit in terms of specific responsibilities.  He referred to the need to link each of the projects within the wider plan and identify the overall objectives in terms of aims and anticipated targets.  It was also stressed that the branding of Rhyl would be important along with the need to instil confidence in order to encourage private sector investment in the Town.      


The Chair outlined the need to have or attract a landmark hotel or similar establishment to Rhyl.  He also emphasised the need to monitor and evaluate the development of the projects and ensure that the RGF Programme was cohesive with the wider regeneration programme for Denbighshire.


During the ensuing discussion, the Committee supported the view expressed by the Chair that the Committee receive quarterly monitoring reports in respect of the RGF Programme to evaluate the progress of the Programme.  It was:


RESOLVED – that:-


(a)      subject to the above observations, to receive the report and note the progress made with respect to the Tourism and Coastal Strip Workstream;

(b)      a monitoring report in respect of the Rhyl Going Forward Programme be presented to the Committee to enable it to evaluate the progress achieved in delivering the Programme;

(c)       Cabinet be requested to recommend that the Rhyl Going Forward Programme Board’s terms of reference be expanded to include ensuring that every effort is made as part of the Programme to attract and create skilled and sustainable employment opportunities in the area;

(d)      all projects connect, support and complement each other and the wider economic regeneration agenda for the County and the North Wales area as a whole; and

(e)      that the overall aims and vision for Rhyl’s sustainable future be clarified and communicated widely


Supporting documents: