Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider a report by the Rhyl Going Forward Programme Manager (copy enclosed) which outlines the aims and objectives of the Strategy, its financial implications, and the progress or prospects in terms of benefits realisation.

                                                                                                          10.35 a.m.


A copy of a report by the Rhyl Going Forward Programme Manager (RGFPM), which provided an update on the progress in implementing the West Rhyl Regeneration Workstream of the Rhyl Going Forward Regeneration Strategy, the financial implications and the progress or prospects in terms of benefits realisation, had been circulated with the papers for the meeting.


In order to deliver effectively, the work of the Rhyl Going Forward Regeneration Strategy had been organised into workstreams:-


·                    West Rhyl Regeneration Area

·                    Tourism & the Coastal Strip

·                    Retail & the Town Centre


The West Rhyl Housing Improvement Project (WRHIP) was a continuation of the ongoing work in West Rhyl under the North Wales Coast Strategic Regeneration Area (NWCRA).  The aims and benefits of the Project were outlined in the report as were the responsibilities of the WRHIP Board for the delivery of the project.  The RGFPM explained that addressing the long-standing issues in the area would help to create a more positive impression of the town overall and thereby have more far-reaching regeneration benefits.  By creating a more balanced community the project would reduce deprivation in the area, which had been one of the key outcomes of the priority.  It would also boost private sector confidence in Rhyl and stimulate further private sector investment and confidence by creating new jobs, business opportunities and boost tourism.


Reference was made by the Chair of the need to acknowledge and address the weaknesses identified by the Wales Audit Office (WAO) in its Annual Improvement Report on the Council, published in January 2012, which noted gaps in the Council’s mechanisms and support for the Programme.


The RGFPM referred members to the report and associated appendices which detailed how the project would directly impact on the proposed new Corporate Priorities, its estimated costs and funding streams, the risks identified with respect to its delivery, and the communication and consultation undertaken with the community in the area.   It was emphasised that the funding had been allocated specifically for the WRHIP project and could not be utilised outside Rhyl or on alternative projects.  Reference was made to Block 1, the Urban Park, which entailed the transformation of the area into a green area.  Concern had been expressed that the post-project delivery could have financial implications with regard to the maintenance of the green space, and this issue would need to be addressed with the developers as the possible options and responsibilities would be a key element in the design and planning process.  Members were informed that draft supplementary planning guidance had been produced which outlined the future development of the area.


In response to a question the RGFPM explained that an agreement had been reached, solely with Clwyd Alyn Housing Association, that in order to address timescales people currently residing within the project area would be afforded a level of prioritisation in respect of their housing list.    


Councillor J.M. Davies highlighted the importance of the need to change the perception of Rhyl throughout the United Kingdom, and the significance of obtaining a major attraction in the town to attract and entice visitors to Rhyl.  The RGFPM confirmed that work had been undertaken jointly with the Head of Communication, Marketing and Leisure to address this issue by encouraging private sector investment in the town and a significant degree of success had already been achieved with a high level of outside interest already being shown in the town.  He explained that Denbighshire had been working with its strategic partner Alliance Leisure to try and map out appropriate events and facility provision for the present and future.  These included the possible redevelopment and replacement of the Sun Centre.  Councillor W. Mullen-James referred to the success of recent events held in Rhyl and the positive feedback received from those who had attended.


During the ensuing discussion the following issues were highlighted:-

·        the importance of marketing Rhyl across the UK and to an international audience;

·        the importance of the connectivity of the projects with one another, with the wider economic regeneration agenda for the County, and that of the North Wales area in general – the need to ensure that projects and initiatives complemented and supported each other;

·        the need to create and attract skilled, well-paid, sustainable employment opportunities to the Rhyl area; and

·        the need to distinguish and clarify the overall aims and end gain in the delivery of the projects for Rhyl and be clear on the future sustainable vision for the town and surrounding area


The Committee:


RESOLVED – that, subject to the above observations to receive the report and note Members comments.


Supporting documents: