Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider a joint confidential report by the Lead Member for Finance and the Head of Finance and Assets (copy enclosed) providing an update on the capital plan outturn position for 2011/12 and the latest position for the period 2012/14 and 2014/15 and seeking the committee’s views thereon.


[Councillor Ian Armstrong declared a personal interest in the Foryd Harbour Development as he was Chair of the Harbour Forum.]


Councillor Julian Thompson-Hill, Lead Member for Finance and Assets (LM:F&A) submitted a confidential report (previously circulated) providing an update on the Capital Plan outturn position for 2011/12 and the latest position for the period 2013/14 and 2014/15.  Those projects approved by Council on 28 February 2012 had also been included within the report.


The LM:F&A advised of the latest position in terms of the major projects, property acquisitions/demolitions and highway programme works contained within the capital plan, clarifying issues in response to questions on specific projects and timescales including the funding provision for the Ruthin Leisure Centre development. 


The following issues were also raised by members –


·        serious concerns regarding the delay in demolishing the Honey Club in Rhyl in view of the building’s condition and safety fears and the need to progress with the redevelopment of the site at the earliest opportunity

·        clarification of particular aspects of the West Rhyl Housing Project together with assurances regarding delivery of the project within reasonable timescales

·        the need to include timescales for major projects to assist in monitoring the progress and delivery of individual projects.


The LM&F&A responded to the issues raised by members as follows –


·        confirmed that once consent had been granted demolition of the Honey Club would commence.  If required on health and safety grounds the building would be demolished sooner.  Both the Council and the developer were keen to proceed with the redevelopment as soon as possible

·        elaborated upon the proposals for the West Rhyl Housing Project and advised that a detailed report would be submitted to County Council in the autumn.  The Scrutiny Coordinator added that an open invitation would be extended to all scrutiny members to attend the next meeting of the Communities Scrutiny Committee scheduled for 13 September in Rhyl to discuss the Rhyl Going Forward Programme which would include a tour of key strategic sites

·        referred to the difficulties of including meaningful timescales for particular projects where various elements were dependent upon outside influences and not within the Council’s control.


Members also discussed the WORKsmart flexible working project and subsequent implications of particular initiatives including the lack of car parking which had generated much debate and concern.  The need to ensure that the authority was demonstrating value for money through WORKsmart initiatives was also highlighted.  Councillor Joan Butterfield reported upon the benefits of SMART working introduced at Rhyl Town Council which was working well.




(a)       the outturn position on the Capital Plan for 2011/12 and the latest position for the period 2012/13 to 2014/15 be noted, and


(b)       the Lead Member for Finance and Assets be asked to take forward members’ concerns regarding the safety of the Honey Club building and the need to resolve the matter as soon as possible.


Supporting documents: