Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider a joint report by the Lead Member for Finance and Assets and the Head of Finance and Assets (copy enclosed) enabling the committee to review the Council’s performance against its budget strategy for 2012/13 as defined in the Medium Term Financial Plan.


Councillor Julian Thompson-Hill, Lead Member for Finance and Assets (LM:F&A) submitted a report (previously circulated) detailing the Council’s performance against its budget strategy for 2012/13.  The detail had been contained within the finance report presented to Cabinet on 17 July which had been included as an appendix and showed the budgetary position as at the end of June 2012 and savings achieved.


The LM:F&A provided a summary of the Council’s financial position as follows –


·        the latest revenue budget forecast showed a balanced position across all services, including schools and corporate budgets

·        £1.312m (38%) of the agreed savings had been achieved with £2.131m (62%) currently being progressed

·        highlighted key variances from budgets and savings targets relating to individual services

·        a general update on the Capital Plan and Housing Revenue Account, and

·        confirmed Cabinet’s approval, of the Strategic Investment Group’s recommendation, of the scheme to relocate Prestatyn Library.


During a review of the financial information the committee discussed a number of issues with the LM:F&A which focused on the following matters –


·        concerns regarding the financial implications for the authority following completion of the housing stock condition survey which would likely identify a significant programme of works.  The LM:F&A advised that the council was on track to achieve Welsh Housing Quality Standard by the end of the financial year.  Once the outcome of the condition survey was known consideration could then be given to the financial implications of future capital investment


·        the valuable service provided by Integrated Children’s Centres (ICCs) was highlighted together with the loss of Cymorth funding and concerns were raised regarding the £40k budget pressure identified for Rhyl’s Oaktree Centre which was described as integral to early intervention for families in the area.  Members stressed the importance of securing funding for the long term viability of both centres in Rhyl and Denbigh.  The possibility of a new consortia bid with Home start for grant funding was mentioned and the Chair asked for an update on progress at the committee’s next meeting.  Members were advised that there had been a lengthy discussion on ICCs at the service challenge meeting with a number of funding models being explored


·        Councillor Joan Butterfield referred to the Rhyl Town Centre Regeneration Project and sought clarification regarding the project specification, timescales and costing.  It was agreed that the Scrutiny Coordinator look into the matter and report back thereon.  Members highlighted the importance of monitoring such schemes to ensure that they were carried out in accordance with the required specification, in an appropriate timeframe and within budget


·        progress made with the former North Wales Hospital, Denbigh was considered and members were advised of the latest position.  Councillor Huw Hilditch-Roberts highlighted the lack of communication on this issue which prompted a debate during which members described communication as a widespread problem within the authority with councillors not always being made aware of issues affecting their wards and the wider community.  It was agreed that the matter be referred to the Corporate Governance Committee to consider how communication with councillors could be improved


·        clarification was sought on the reasoning behind the decision to relocate Prestatyn Library and the impact of that decision on service users and other library services in the county.  Councillor Gareth Sandilands advised that Prestatyn Town Council had raised issues over car parking and health and safety and had suggested a pedestrian crossing be located at the new site.  The LM:F&A provided further background information on the scheme which had been considered the best option for Prestatyn having taken all factors into account.  A pay and display car park was situated across the road from the new location.  Councillor Huw Hilditch-Roberts reported upon steps to modernise the county’s library services ensuring no libraries were neglected and that appropriate funding schemes were secured.  Councillor Butterfield highlighted the shortage of start up business units and suggested that the vacated library site could be used for that purpose.


The LM:F&A also clarified specific issues in response to members’ questions and comments regarding various aspects of the report.  He replied to questions regarding particular service areas and advised that those services identified as being able to achieve savings following service challenges had been detailed in Appendix 2 to the report.  Bodelwyddan Castle and ECTARC were operated by Arms Length Companies (both had council representation on their boards) and the grants provided by the authority would be reduced.




(a)       the latest financial position in the delivery of the Council’s budget strategy and Medium Term Financial Plan be noted;


(b)       an update on progress made to address the budget pressure identified for the Rhyl Integrated Children’s Oaktree Centre be provided to the next meeting of the committee;


(c)        the Scrutiny Coordinator make enquiries regarding the Rhyl Town Centre Regeneration Project and report back thereon, and


(d)       the committee’s concerns regarding the lack of consistent communication and engagement with councillors by officers to ensure they are kept fully informed of issues within the county be referred to the Corporate Governance Committee with a view to improving communication.


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