Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider a report by Councillor Gwyneth Ellis, Lead Member for Finance, Performance and Strategic Assets (copy enclosed) detailing the latest financial position and progress against the agreed budget strategy, and seeking Cabinet approval of business cases relating to new salt storage facilities at Corwen and Lon Parcwr, Ruthin depot sites and new welfare, vehicle and equipment storage facilities at Rhyl Botanical Gardens depot.


RESOLVED that Cabinet –


(a)       note the budgets set for 2022/23 and progress against the agreed budget strategy;


(b)       approve new salt storage facilities at Corwen and Lon Parcwr, Ruthin depot sites as detailed in Section 6.9 of the report and Appendix 5 to the report, and


(c)        approve the development and construction of a new welfare, vehicle and equipment storage facilities at the Rhyl Botanical Gardens as detailed in Section 6.9 of the report and Appendix 5 to the report.


Councillor Gwyneth Ellis presented the report detailing the latest financial position and progress against the agreed budget strategy, highlighting the current financial uncertainties, and also recommended Cabinet approval of two business cases.


A summary of the Council’s financial position was provided as follows –


·       the net revenue budget for 2022/23 was £233.696m (£216.818m in 2021/22)

·       an overspend of £1.953m was forecast for service and corporate budgets

·       highlighted current risks and assumptions relating to corporate budgets and individual service areas together with the impact of coronavirus and inflation

·       detailed service savings and fees and charges increases (£0.754m); no savings having been requested from Community Support Services or Schools

·       provided a general update on the Housing Revenue Account, Treasury Management, Capital Plan and major projects.


The Head of Finance and Property explained that the report had been prepared for Cabinet on 20 September and some figures had changed but a further update would be provided to Cabinet in October.  He drew attention to the budget pressure in Children’s Services and out of county placements, and in Community Support Services with little remaining in cash reserves to fund in-year pressures and any future movements likely to show an overspend.  Councillor Gill German gave assurances that much work was being done to address budget pressures caused by out of county placements with plans in place.  The Leader referred to the implications of the UK Government’s budget on Welsh Government funding with huge budget pressures going forward.  The Head of Finance and Property shared those concerns and the impact on future budget setting with an update thereon scheduled for Cabinet Briefing.


Cabinet approval had been sought for two business cases relating to new salt storage facilities at Corwen and Lon Parcwr, Ruthin depot sites and new welfare, vehicle and equipment storage facilities at Rhyl Botanical Gardens depot which had been reviewed and supported by the Budget Board.  The Acting Head of Highways and Environmental Services provided an overview of the business cases and reasoning behind the request and need for investment in those assets.  Councillors Gwyneth Ellis and Barry Mellor had visited the facilities and were fully supportive of the proposed investment.  Cabinet considered each business case separately –


·       New salt storage facilities at Corwen and Lon Parcwr, Ruthin depot sites


Cabinet considered the proposal to replace the temporary buildings at Corwen and develop new salt storage facilities at Corwen and Lon Parcwr with new purpose built facilities.  It was accepted that the current storage and drainage systems were not fit for purpose and did not comply with current guidelines.  It was clarified that the proposal involved improvement to the existing sites and not relocation of the facilities.  Cabinet was supportive of the capital investment to improve the facilities to address the issues raised and also ensure significant improvements to welfare, vehicle and equipment storage facilities and reduce environmental impacts.  With regard to Corwen, it was noted that the new build would enable vehicles to be kept on-site thereby further facilitating both operational and environmental efficiencies.


·       New welfare, vehicle and equipment storage facilities at the Rhyl Botanical Gardens Depot


Cabinet considered the proposal to develop and construct new welfare, vehicle and equipment storage facilities along with the reconfiguration of the remaining site in order to replace the existing temporary buildings.  It was noted that the existing buildings were no longer fit for purpose and were beyond economic repair, some of which had already been demolished due to significant safety concerns.  Reference was made to Phase 1 construction works which had commenced on site with the business case focusing on Phase 2 to continue improvement work on site.  Cabinet considered it vital that staff had appropriate facilities in their place of work.


In summary, Cabinet noted the proposed significant capital investment in council facilities of just over £3.5m combined for both projects to benefit the county, improve facilities for staff, create efficiencies and positively impact on environmental concerns, and therefore were fully supportive of both business cases.


RESOLVED that Cabinet –


(a)      note the budgets set for 2022/23 and progress against the agreed budget strategy;


(b)      approve new salt storage facilities at Corwen and Lon Parcwr, Ruthin depot sites as detailed in Section 6.9 of the report and Appendix 5 to the report, and


(c)      approve the development and construction of a new welfare, vehicle and equipment storage facilities at the Rhyl Botanical Gardens as detailed in Section 6.9 of the report and Appendix 5 to the report.


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