Agenda item
To receive a report on the updates required to the Constitution as a result of changes to legislation (copy enclosed).
The Monitoring Officer (MO), introduced the Constitution Update report (previously circulated) to the committee.
Members heard the report set out the legal position required by the Local Government Act 2000 for every local authority to hold a constitution. The Local Government and Elections Wales Act had made a number of changes to the law relating to local authorities, which required a number of changes to the current constitution. It was confirmed under the terms of the constitution; the MO had delegated authority to make changes that are required to comply with legal provisions and Cabinet/Council decisions. The main changes were listed in 4.4 of the covering report with further details listed in the appendices. Members were guided through the appendices that detailed all the changes to the constitution proposed.
Members thanked the MO or the detailed explanation of all the changes. During the discussion the following points were expanded upon:
· The petition scheme was scheduled to be drafted and presented to Council in May 2022. It would be made available online for all.
· The MO confirmed members part of the role of the Standards committee was to observe meetings. The Denbighshire Standards Committee had focused on visiting City, Town and Community Councils. There would not be a right to speak at those meetings unless invited to do so.
· Members attendance at meetings will still be recorded and made public each year. Signing in to the building was still enquired by members attending the meeting in person.
· An additional definition could be added to section to state that when ‘Leader’ is noted in the report it included an individual Leader or a job share Leader.
The Chair thanked the MO for the report and the easy to view proposed changes to the constitution.
RESOLVED that members note the changes required to the Constitution as
set out in the appendices to the report.
Supporting documents:
- 4. Constitution update - 9th March 2022 (1), item 6. PDF 139 KB
- App1, item 6. PDF 90 KB
- App 2, item 6. PDF 394 KB
- APP 3, item 6. PDF 620 KB
- APP4., item 6. PDF 679 KB
- APP5, item 6. PDF 370 KB
- APP6, item 6. PDF 357 KB
- App 7, item 6. PDF 96 KB
- App8, item 6. PDF 140 KB
- App9, item 6. PDF 98 KB
- App10, item 6. PDF 148 KB
- App11, item 6. PDF 116 KB