Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider a report by the Corporate Improvement Team Manager (copy enclosed) on the Regulatory Programme for Performance Audit 2012/13 for the Wales Audit Office.

                                                                                       9.35 a.m. – 10.00 a.m.


A report by the Corporate Improvement Team Manager, on the Regulatory Programme for Performance Audit 2012/13 for the Wales Audit Office (WAO) had been circulated with the papers for the meeting.


The report provided details of the performance audit work to be carried out at Denbighshire by the WAO during 2012-13.  The regulatory programme outlined work to be delivered by and on behalf of the Auditor General under the Local Government (Wales) Measure 2009 (the Measure), the Local Government Act 1999 and Parts 2 and 3A of the Public Audit (Wales) Act 2004.  It summarised the planned activity for 2012-13, roles and responsibilities of relevant WAO staff and fees for the Auditor General’s performance audit work.


The Draft Regulatory Programme had been discussed with relevant officers, including the Head of Business Planning & Performance and the Corporate Improvement Team Manager, prior to approval by the Chief Executive.  The outputs from performance audit work included reports from regulatory bodies, such as the WAO, and “the risk of significantly negative reports from external regulators” had been identified as a risk on the Council’s Corporate Risk Register.  The Corporate Performance Management Framework being the main control in place to manage the risk, and the following actions had been identified as being required to further reduce the residual risk:-


·        Develop a more formal framework for co-ordinating self-assessments to support regulatory activities.

·        Implement new approach to target setting, as agreed by SLT, for the 2012-13 Service Plans.

·        Deliver performance management training for new Members, including target setting.


The WAO Representative (GB) introduced the report and provided background information pertaining to the Performance Audit and Financial aspects of the work undertaken WAO in respect of Denbighshire.  He outlined the key areas to note which included:-


-          Provision of Reassurance

-          Suggestions for Areas of Improvement

-          Identifying Good Practice

-          Requirements under the Welsh Government Measures


A detailed summary of the Regulatory Programme for Performance Audit 2112-13 was provided and included the following main areas:-


-          Performance audit work at Denbighshire, under the Local Government (Wales) Measure 2009.

-          The Improvement Assessment, examining the Corporate Plan.

-          Other work the Audit General uses to inform his performance audit work at the Council.

-          The financial audit work of the Appointed Auditor.

-          The work of relevant regulators.

-          The Auditor General’s programme of local performance audit work at individual NHS bodies.

-          The Auditor General’s programme of value-for-money studies.


Proposals for this year’s local work had been set out in Exhibit 1 of the report and particular attention had been invited to issues relating to Collaboration, Homelessness and Review of arrangements by the Council to deliver services that were efficient and well-managed.


A summary of the following Appendices was provided by the WAO Representative (GB)


Appendix 1  -  Wales Audit Office performance work planned for 2012/13.

Appendix 2  -  Roles and Responsibilities.

Appendix 3  -  Audit General’s performance audit team.

Appendix 4  -  Fees.

Appendix 5  -  Audit General’s programme of value-for-money studies.


The following issues were raised by Members of the committee and responses provided:-


-          With regard to Appendix 1, it was explained that ideally that the delivery of the annual work programme should be completed by the 31st March.  However, certain aspects were governed by outside influences where other areas were statutory governed.

-          The WAO were currently not aware of any planned Estyn Inspections.

-          Reference was made to the WAO’s responsibility to audit of the Statutory Statement of Accounts.  It was explained that it would be important that the Corporate Governance Committee were fully aware of the whole package of work present by the WAO.

-          A report in respect of the work undertaken by the WAO for the Auditor General could be presented to the Corporate Governance Committee for information purposes.  It was confirmed that certain aspects of the work would be a statutory programme of work which would feature in the forward work programme.

-          It was explained that the work undertaken by the WAO provided both the Authority and the tax payer with assurances in respect of performance and financial management arrangements.

-          It had been reported in January, 2012 that progress in respect of the Rhyl Going Forward project would be examined in September, 2012.

-          In reply to a question on Improvement Studies with regard to the effectiveness of scrutiny, it was explained that the format to be utilised would be adopted by all Authorities in Wales.

-          Details in respect of examining collaborative working with outside bodies, particular reference being made to Betsi Cadwaladr, were outline with regard to the work to be scoped.


Following further discussion, it was:-


RESOLVED – that the Corporate Governance Committee receives the report and notes the Regulatory Programme, attached at Appendix I.


Supporting documents: