Agenda item
To consider a report by the Flood Risk Engineer, Wayne Hope, into the investigation of the Flooding on 20 January 2021 (copy attached).
The Lead Member for Waste, Transport and the
Environment, Councillor Brian Jones, introduced the 20th
January 2021 Flood Event – Section 19 Flood Investigation Report.
On the 20th of January
2021, extensive flooding
occurred across Denbighshire as a result of Storm Christoph. Council
officers, as well as officers from Natural Resources Wales and Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water, had
carried out investigations into the flooding in accordance with Section 19 of
the Flood and Water Management Act. The
investigation was to understand the reason why the flooding occurred, the
likelihood of it happening again and to assess whether measures could be put in
place to reduce flooding in future
The main sources of flooding during
the January 2021 event were the River Clwyd River Ystrad
and River Alyn. These were classified as main rivers and the responsibility for
the detailed investigation of each flood location was with Natural Resources
Wales. There were five separate locations affected by main river flooding.
These ranged from large communities, such as Ruthin and Denbigh (Brookhouse), to individual isolated properties within the Llandyrnog, Llanrheadr and Llanarmon yn Iâl Communities.
There were also some localised
surface water flooding experienced at Llanynys,
Llanfair D.C, St.Asaph, Bodelwyddan and Dyserth
Communities, and the latter Community also experienced flooding from the
section of ordinary watercourse known as Afon Ffyddion . The responsibility for the investigation of the
events was with Denbighshire County Council as the Lead Local Flood Authority.
The Investigation Report had
previously been presented at Scrutiny Committee following which the
recommendations were currently being worked through.
Following the flood events, a
Flood Task and Finish Group had been set up which encapsulated representation
from Denbighshire County Council, Natural Resources Wales, Welsh Water,
together with inclusion of representations from the Farmers Union. The Task and Finish Group will submit a
formal report to Full Council prior to April 2022.
The Head of Highways and
Environmental Services, Tony Ward, informed members that the Risk and Asset
Manager, Tim Towers, Flood Risk Engineer, Wayne Hope and the representative from
Natural Resources Wales were in attendance to respond to any questions put
forward by the members.
During discussions, the
following points were raised:
Regarding the flooding at Mill Street and Clwyd
Street, Ruthin, the bund level had been raised but local members enquired as to
how to respond if flooding were likely to happen in the future. Also whether the drains could be inspected as
to whether they are clear on a more regular basis than currently eg: every three months.
Officers confirmed there was a comprehensive review currently taking
place regarding highways drainage. Due
to the time of the review taking place, the focus would be on highway drainage
hot spots. Improvement works to the Cae Ddol embankment had taken
place to raise certain areas of the embankment.
A Partnership Flood Group had been established and work was taking place
with Ruthin Town Council to ensure the community were involved.
It was confirmed that NRW were undertaking
modelling work to look into future flood events and the impact of climate
It was raised the fact that Llannerch
Bridge had not been included within the flood investigation report. It was clarified that the flood investigation
had focussed on property and where there had been risk to life. Officers also confirmed the investigation
report was not required to cover infrastructure but plans were being taken
forward to ascertain funding opportunities to replace the bridge.
The Capacity to respond to storms was confirmed
as there were teams on standby together with contractors to assist. Information regarding response to storms was
available on the NRW website.
The area of Rhuddlan
was at risk from a number of sources and some work had been undertaken in risk
areas. It was confirmed it was a
challenge to manage river flows and fluvial flood waters but there were work
plans in place with relevant teams to minimise the risk.
Plans were still ongoing regarding the Dyserth Flood Defence Scheme and the scheme was in the development
Work was taking place to look into the advantage
of tree planting in the future and both DCC and NRW were working closely
together regarding this.
Councillor Brian Jones proposed approval of the
investigation report, seconded by Councillor Christine Marston.
A vote took place and it was unanimously agreed to
approve the investigation report.
The Chair thanked the representative from NRW and
officers for the comprehensive report and for attending the Full Council
considered the flood investigation report and provided feedback and
Council seeks assurance from Natural Resources Wales that the recommendations
identified in Natural Resources Wales’ flood investigation reports would be carried
Supporting documents:
- Jan 2021 Flood Investigation Report, item 5. PDF 146 KB
- Appendix 1 Flood Investigation Report, item 5. PDF 826 KB
- January2021FloodReportNRWRuthin, item 5. PDF 5 MB
- January2021FloodReportNRWAfonYstrad, item 5. PDF 699 KB