Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider a report by the Head of Legal and Democratic Services (copy to follow) relating to the Council’s scheme of remuneration for Members.



A copy of a report by the Head of Legal and Democratic Services, which detailed the options for the allocation of Senior Salaries in accordance with the recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales for the financial year 2012/13, had been circulated with the papers for the meeting.


At its meeting on the 15th May, 2012 Council considered a report on Members’ Remuneration which set out the provisions contained within the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales’ report.  Council allocated 14 Senior Salaries and expressed a wish to consider options in respect of whether or how the remaining 3 possible Senior Salaries should be allocated.


The HL&DS provided a summary of the report which outlined details pertaining to the:-


·        payment of Senior Salaries.

·        payment of Civic Salaries to the Chair and Vice of Council.

·        number of Senior Salaries the Council may allocate being limited to 17.

·        positions prescribed by the Panel to which a Senior Salary may be allocated.


It was explained that Council may, but would not have to, allocate a further 3 Senior Salaries.  Council had determined that the Chair of Democratic Services Committee would not attract a Senior Salary as the Committee was likely to only meet once a year.  The remaining positions eligible for a Senior Salary were Band 3 - Leader of the Largest Opposition Group and Band 4  - Leaders of other political Groups.  Members were reminded that there were 4 political Groups on the Council and only 3 Senior Salaries which may be allocated. 


The HL&DS provided a summary of the 4 possible options for consideration by Council, which had been included in the report, together with the relevant costs and the possible affect on other services.


Councillor S.A. Davies expressed the need to retain the allowances and supported the principle incorporated in Option 3 and suggested that further options be examined, such as the possible inclusion of payments for Champions, for the remaining 2 senior salaries.  The HD&LS provided details of the Measure which required the Council to implement the recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales which set out the senior salaries which could be paid, as indicated in 4.5 of the report. 


Reference was made by Councillors C. Hughes and G.M. Kensler to the appointment of Group Leaders to Cabinet, the timescales for reviewing Members’ remunerations in respect of political balance and the monitoring of the performance of Group Leaders.


Councillor J. Thompson-Hill highlighted two issues which he felt should be considered, the element of justification for allocating salaries to Group Leaders and consideration being afforded to a situation where a Group Leader, who was also a Cabinet Member, forgoes the salary of Cabinet Member if they vacate the post.  He explained that he felt that Option 1 would be the preferred Option and that the number of Senior Salaries be capped at 14.


Councillor T.R. Hughes supported Option 1 with the suggestion that the money saved be utilised to provide dog fouling collection bags, as an alternative to the provision of additional Member training.  Councillor E.W. Williams referred to the costs involved in addressing the problem of dog fouling and suggested that this issue be examined separately.


It was explained by Councillor H.H. Evans that one of the main issues of the previous Council had been ineffective communication between the executive and Members.  He felt that the appointment of Group Leaders on Cabinet would provide stronger political leadership and improve accountability.  He referred to the Councils’ Constitution which referred to the restriction of payments to Leaders of Groups with less than 5 Members, and suggested that Option 3 would assist in addressing the problem through the provision of Member development which could be defined following discussions between the respective Members and their Groups.  Councillor J. Butterfield also expressed a preference for Option 3 and highlighted the importance of Member development.


During the ensuing discussion Option 3 was proposed by Councillor B. Blakeley and seconded by Councillor C. Hughes and on being put to the vote Option 3 was carried.


RESOLVED – that Council agrees Option 3, to allocate a Senior Salary to the Leader of the Largest Opposition Group and cap the number of Senior Salaries at 15.  The funds which would have been payable in respect of 2 Group Leaders could be used for Member Development.



Meeting ended at 11.55 a.m.


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