Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider a report (which includes a confidential appendix) by the Traffic, Parking and Road Safety Manager (copy attached) to provide an update on the development of the Council’s draft Sustainable Transport Plan and associated work activities.

11.50 a.m. – 12.20 p.m.



The Lead Member for Waste, Transport and the Environment, Councillor Brian Jones, introduced the Sustainable Transport Plan Report (previously circulated).


In 2019 the Council passed a Motion to declare a climate and ecological emergency.


In the current Corporate Plan, the Connected Communities priority included the project “Better enable people to travel to work, education and services”. The scope of the project was very broad which had made it difficult to identify specific interventions that would make a difference, despite further research that had been undertaken.


Following discussion at the Corporate Programme Board in October 2020 and July 2021, it had been decided that because of the issues with the above project and the need to make carbon reduction central to any transport-related projects then focus should be on developing a Sustainable Transport Plan.


During discussions, the following points were raised:

·         People with disabilities needed to be considered within this plan.

·         Electrical Vehicle (EV) Charging points – next phase in March/April 2022 was phase 1 and was seen as a learning opportunity and there would be 30 charging points made available in 8 locations which would be a significant increase.  Officers would be looking at the usage data to collate information regarding the uptake.  This analysis would help inform the planning for future need in relation to EV charging points.   There were potentially different delivery models in future also e.g.: if more interest from the private sector in terms of renting the space was also something to be looked at.  Members were also made aware that the Welsh Government with Transport for Wales were also looking at the wider network so in terms of longer distance journeys and the trunk road network, they had a project where they would have charging points appropriately spaced along the trunk road network.  With regards to charging points in new development properties that was something which would be looked into for the future in partnership with the Planning Service.

·         Were there any figures too show changing to electric vehicles saved money and was much better for the environment?  Officers confirmed they were not aware of any figures as it was probably too early in the scheme for figures to be obtained.

·         Where these active travel measures were going to impact on a community would there be an assurance from officers that the relevant communities would be consulted and receive information and that information could be provided to Member Area Groups (MAGs) for discussion.   Officers confirmed that local Members and MAGs would be involved from an early stage.

·         Discussions could be initiated with Countryside Services in future with regards to exploring the potential of have EV charging points in car parks managed by them.  However, the rural nature of these locations may potentially be a barrier to having sufficient power availability for EV charging points.

·         It was emphasised that Active and Sustainable Travel incorporated all modes of travel, not just cars and aspired for integrated travel solutions i.e. walking, cycling, buses, trains and cars

·         Planning for sustainable travel solutions was still in its infancy.  It was important that local sustainable travel plans, dovetailed with regional and national plans.  Transport was a function for which a Corporate Joint Committee (CJC) could be established in order to secure deliverable solutions.  All potential solutions would be explored during the coming years.


The Committee –



(i)   Subject to the above comments and observations on the contents of the draft Sustainable Transport Plan to support the aims and objectives of the delivery of the Sustainable Transport Plan; and

(ii)  In supporting the Plan confirms that it has read, understood and taken account of the Well-being Impact Assessment in Appendix A as part of its consideration.


Supporting documents: